Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From Secrets And A Scarlet Sky...

What Story Does A Name Tell?

by BleedingValentine 5 reviews

The stories behind the names.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-12 - Updated: 2012-07-13 - 2027 words - Complete

Hey, guys. I know this took me a while. But don't nag! I've just switched to holiday mode, And that basically means no brain function whatsoever. I also just won two awards in mathematics and another in art textiles. Thought I could share that with you :)

You know when you love someone so much that every time you look at them they fill you with hope? I just saw Welcome To The Black Parade appear on the music channel and literally burst into tears. I sometimes can't believe just how much these guys mean to me. Lifesavers is by no means exaggerating, My Chemical Romance are heart-wrenchingly amazing.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter.

Chapter 13; What Story Does A Name Tell?

“This is absurd,” said Gerard, as the party of five sat down in the tunnel to rest. They’d been walking, clambering over rocks and bashing into things for best part of an hour, and they were exhausted. Tay nodded and sat next to him, stoking the fire that Linnea had just made.

“I agree. It would have been better if this didn’t happen in the first place... guess we don’t have a choice if we want them to live,” she said. Gerard nodded, watching Frank lying on his back with his eyes closed.

“Tay,” he said suddenly, turning to look at her. She raised an eyebrow.


“You’ve changed. I mean, you used to be a right... well, let’s face it, a cow. You kept flirting with everyone, and now... what happened?” asked Gerard. Tay sighed and stared into the fire.

“I guess I’m a little bit awkward. I think the flirting was just a way to cover up the shyness. I’ve always been cold and rude, I guess. But considering the circumstances we’re in, it’s not the best thing to be an asshole,” she said. Gerard chuckled.

“You have a good point there,” he said.

“I guess... I freaked out a bit when everyone disappeared. I know, I had Dana, but... I’ve always had this thing about being alone. My mum used to work away from home a lot. I never saw her, and... it was scary. I never wanted to be alone...” Tay wrapped her arms around her legs, staring into the fire. The flames were flickering, reflected in her dark blue eyes. Gerard felt a small surge of sorrow, maybe even affection for the girl who was best friends with his worst enemy. Of course, wouldn’t that make them enemies, too? But he just couldn’t end up seeing Tay as his enemy, much as he wanted too, sometimes.

“I hope they’re okay,” he said.

“How did you arrive on the island, Abbie?” asked Mikey. Abbie frowned slightly, and furrowed her brow.

“It’s... not a story I like to tell, really,” she said, tucking her black hair behind her ears.

“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t...”

“It’s okay,” said Abbie, smiling sadly. “I guess... well, you can probably tell, but I used to live in Scotland. Hurray for the accent giving it away, I suppose. I lived with my mum until I was 16. But mum had... um, problems. She was an alcoholic. I ran away when it got too much,” said Abbie. Mikey frowned.

“I’m... sorry about that,” he said. Abbie shrugged.

“It’s okay.”

“What about you, Jasmine, Anna? I mean, I know how I ended up with this moron,” he said, pointing at Ray. “And Jenna, too, we were at school. But...”

“Nothing too fancy,” murmured Anna very quietly. “Parents moved me away when I was young. I was scared of losing everything I loved. I lost it when I moved here. I was terrified. That’s why I didn’t speak.”

“I ran away when I was ten. My mum was a witch as well. But one day, she got really ill. She passed on her powers to me when she died. That made my dad angry, when I started doing magic. Really angry. He cut me,” said Jasmine, rubbing her back. “I have this long scar all down my back. Of course, I then got angry and turned him into a toad. Then I felt Li-li’s... I dunno, presence, I guess. I ran away here and found her. She helped me to control my powers. It didn’t always work, we ended up here,” she said, smiling. The rest of the group couldn’t help but smile at that.

“How about you three?” asked Abbie, pointing at Mikey, Ray and Jenna. “How do you know each other again?”

“We were at school together,” said Ray. “Jenna was in mine and Gee’s year.”

“She always had this thing for ticking off the jocks,” said Mikey, grinning.

“I’m so small, they kept trying to get me and Frank in the lockers. Of course, midget power ruled over,” said Jenna, grinning.

“Midgets rule,” said Jasmine.

“Hey, you’re not even that small! You’re twelve, you’re a decent size!” said Abbie. Anna smiled slightly, yawning.

“You tired?” asked Ray, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

“Yeah, a bit,” she said. “Lots of stuff’s been happening.”

“No shit, sherlock,” he said, laughing.

“You two gonna kiss each other yet?” said Abbie, leaning against the wall. Ray and Anna flushed red.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s only obvious that you’d only had eyes for each other since we got to this island, dude, said Mikey. Ray flushed even brighter and stared at his feet. Anna however stared right at Mikey, unblinking eyes staring from beneath her choppy brown hair.

“Problem with that, Mikey?” she said. Mikey grinned and shrugged.

“No, I never said there was!”

“So what about you and Dana?” It was Mikey’s turn to blush.


“Oh, there is something?” asked Jenna, looking at him eagerly.

“How would that work out? Dana hates everyone’s guts,” said Abbie. Ray smirked.

“No, not quite. She was always a lot more tolerant towards Mikes in school,” he said. “She even starting taking bass lessons, just like Mikey.”

“I never told her to,” he said.

“No, but she still started taking the lessons. Face it, Mikes. She fancies you and has done for a while,” said Jenna. Mikey just raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

“I think we embarrassed him,” said Ray, grinning at himself for the payback.

“You can talk, you still look like a tomato with hair,” said Mikey.

“You know what? At least I’m sitting here with the person you guys are embarrassing me about, you’re still on your loneliness,” said Ray. Anna smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. Mikey scowled and wrapped his arms around his knees.

“Whilst we’re here and not doing anything, what do you guys wanna talk about? asked Frank, plonking himself down next to Gerard.

“How did you guys all end up here?” asked Tay, scratching her neck.

“Um... ask her,” said Gerard, pointing at Linnea. She smiled coolly.

“I sank their cruise ship to bring them here,” she said. Frank raised his eyebrows.

“I knew the weather was too good for there to be a storm that day. You mean to say you tried to kill us in an effort to bring us here?”


“Well, at least you’re honest about things,” said Gerard, chuckling and putting his arms behind his head. “How about you two?”

“Well, you know how I told you my mum was away a lot?” said Tay. Gerard nodded. “Well, I got sent to live with my auntie, who had a house on this island. She died when I was 18, and she left me everything. So, I lived here. I met Dana when she moved here.”

“I thought you were an asshole when I first moved in,” said Dana, smirking. “You flirted with just about every single guy you came across. You’ve been better lately, though.”

“Oh, thanks! You were a bitch when you moved in, too.”

“I know. I moved sort of to run away from mum...and I knew Jenna moved here, and I liked annoying her,” said Dana. Gerard rolled his eyes.

“You didn’t change then,” he said. Dana pursed her lips.

“No. You haven’t either. Dickhead.”

“Oi, can you lay it off for a moment?!” said Gerard, propping himself up on his elbows. “I’m making an effort here, why can’t you try and be a little bit decent? I don’t even know why you’re such a bitch to me! I did nothing wrong!” Dana just scowled and stared in the opposite direction. Gerard looked around in amazement.

“Gee...” Frank nudged him gently on the shoulder and shook his head. “Leave it out.”

“You’re telling me to leave it out?! Are you my friend or not? You know why I’ve been an asshole to Dana? Because she was always there to try and make as much of my life hell as she could!” shouted Gerard, turning to look at Dana. “I moved in and made a friend, how fucking long are you going to hold a grudge?!” Dana glared at him.

“Maybe if you’d realised that you moved in and screwed up everything I had a chance at for my entire high school life, I would be a bit more forgiving!” she said, standing up to face him.

“Entire high school life? Melodramatic much?! How have I screwed up your whole high school life?!”

“I was on my fucking own for the entire time, Gerard. You laughed about me with your friends, you made me a fucking outcast! The only person I’ve been friends with is Tay, when I moved here!”

“When did I laugh about you?! That time you tripped and fell into the pond was fucking hilarious, everyone was laughing, I didn’t start or facilitate it! If you hadn’t been such a cow in the first place, none of this would have happened! I only stuck up for myself.”

“Stuck up for yourself? What, by picking on me all the time?”

“I never picked on you! I tried to be decent but all you did was wind me up! Is there really something in my life that you want to get rid of me?”

“Just look at your brother,” spat Dana. Gerard shut his mouth.


“You heard,” said Dana, now on the verge of tears, before she turned and made her way over to the other side of the cavern they were sitting in.
Tay and Frank were staring at Dana and Gerard, their heads flicking back and forth like they were watching a tennis rally. Linnea was just sitting with her eyes closed, presumably doing something witchy in her head. Or just to try and ignore the two arguing people standing in front of her.

“I just... Mikey?” said Gerard, watching the black-haired girl on the other side of the cavern.

“Stop it, Gerard,” said Dana, hiding her head in her hands.

“What do you mean, stop it? Mikey is my little brother. If you have some sort of problem with him, spit it out. And why should whatever happens between you and him affect me? I just... you don’t make any sense!” he said.

“Gerard...” Frank tugged on his best friend’s shirt, pulling him down. “I think I know what’s wrong with her.”

Ahahahaha, cos I'm an ass like that you don't get to know what's wrong with Dana. Actually, you already know. But cos I'm mean like that I won't confirm your suspicions.

So, I had this amazing idea for my next final piece for art. My theme is going to be 'Apocalypse', so I can use the Four Horsemen (Death, War, Famine, Pestilence) and also the whole concept for the Black Parade (Mother War especially). What do you think? My friend Phoebe is doing 'Death and Isolation' as her theme, and she's using the Black Parade as a focus. You think it's a good idea?

Anyway, please Rate and Review! Hope you liked the chapter xx
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