Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drama on the Second Page!

Cliff hanger

by tmbfucks 2 reviews

... See what I did there?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-14 - Updated: 2012-07-14 - 639 words - Complete

I tried to get some sleep for tomorrow, but I just couldn't. I was too nervous. Mum, dad, Frank and Andy's mum, Lucy, even let Andy sleep in the same bed as me, but he fell asleep within 5 minutes. Bless him, but he's not exactly that great at relieving stress. Even sleeping with a loaf of bread would've been more relaxing. He was snoring the whole time. Usually, I would have found that adorable, but right now my mind is set on finding Casper.

I don't even know what I'm looking for. It says proof that she's alive, but for all I know, it could be something nobody should ever see. I carry on expecting the worst, but I guess that's only natural after what happened to me. Soon enough, it was 10:00 am, and I was searching the cliff on my own to find any evidence that she's still got a breath. I got another text, but this time, from a withheld number.

It's underneath the new bench. Be quick. I looked around. I found it. It was an envelope. Inside it was Cait's phone. There was a video on it. I opened the file. Her face was scratched, and her eyes looked dead.

'Penina, I don't know who it is. It's someone we've never met before. But they're asking me to read this to you.' She said before she was handed a piece of paper. She was shaking. 'This person wants £5 million in cash by Saturday morning, or else they will carry the threat that they told you about.' She explained. My eyes were filled with tears. 'Please help me Penina. I'm scared. Whoever this guy is, is a horrible, sick freak. Everything he touches gets poisoned and twisted. He hurt me. I'm scared Penina. I don't know what to do.' She said before the video stopped. Whoever this is will die.

I ran home with the phone close to me. Everyone looked relieved when I walked through the door, but they could see I was traumatized.

'What happened honey?' Andy asked massaging my shoulders. I showed them the video.

'Okay, this is ridiculous! We need to call the police!' Hozzie said. I shook my head.

'You know what they'll do! I can't risk loosing her okay? Besides, I'm sure that if we pitch together we can afford it. She's so much more important than money!' I said. Gerard nodded.

'Penina's right. I say each family pitches in £1 million. We can afford it.' Gerard said. My phone buzzed again.

Saturday morning. Same place, same time. We'll do the swap there. If you don't want your sister to die that is.

'For god sake! I can't take this! Why didn't this guy take me? I would've preferred it. I would've wanted to die if it meant keeping Cait safe!' I said angrily.

'Penina, stop it! None of us would've been able to cope if you died! And right now, we're focusing on saving your sister, so calm down!' Raven, Ray's wife, said.

'I just want her to be safe!' I said. Andy rubbed my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

'She will be babe.' He said hugging me.

I can't bear to think of what she's going through. They're torturing her. She might die! I can't live a life without her. She's always been my younger sister. She'll always be the girl who I grew up with. Which is why I would die for her.

If this isn't longer than the last two chapters than I really need to do something about my thinking skills! I know it's not 1000 words or anything, but it better be over 500. I hate short chapters! Why must my chapters be so short? :( Rate and review anyway! I hope you like it! XD xx
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