Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is How We Dissapear.

This Is How We Disappear. (1)

by BuriedAlive15

Gerard is stuck in his washed up home town. He wants freedom, to run away. But unfortunately he's only 17 and broke. He passes the time by drawing and playing guitar, and occasionally doing homewor...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-07-14 - Updated: 2015-07-16 - 723 words - Complete

I chewed on the tip of my pencil and sighed, closing my note-pad. I was fresh out of ideas. The last thing I drew was a dancing girl covered in blood. Even for me that was scraping the bottom of the barrel.
I needed new inspiration, I needed new comic books. The last time I bought a comic book was over six months ago. I was in desperate need.
I grabbed my coat and walked out my bedroom door, locking it behind me. The last thing I needed was my little brother Mikey snooping around while I was gone. Besides, some of my drawings would probably give him nightmares.
"Mom, I'm going out! Be back later!" I called out to my mother, I don't know whether she heard me or not. There was no reply. I shrugged and opened the front door.

I got down to the comic-book store around 4:30, the store didn't close until eight so I had plenty of time. I sat down in my usual spot and began flicking through different comics, putting the ones I wanted into a pile to my left. So far there were five. The more comics I looked at, the more ideas flooded into my mind. I smiled to myself. I missed this. I honestly had no idea why I hadn't been down here in so long. It was my home away from home. The stained carpet, the constant smell of caffeine that lingered through the air, the friendly atmnosphere. It was warm and welcoming. I also knew the store manager, Bob. He was four years older than me. He was what some would describe as a gentle giant.
I looked at my watch, it was 7:30, the store would be closing soon. I stood up and winced. I was incredibly stiff. Maybe I needed to work out more or something. I paid for my comics, eight in total, and started walking home.
I got home, had dinner and went to my room. I sat on my bed with my note-pad and pencils, blasted Iron Maiden and let creativity overcome me.

The next day

I woke up still in the clothes that I was wearing yesterday, covered in pencils and my note-pad laying open across my chest. I really needed to stop falling asleep like this, my mom gets pissed when I dirty the sheets with my boots. Complaining about how she's the one that washes and dries them, only for me to go and dirty them again. I bite my tongue and refrain from telling her about what those 'pee stains' on Mikeys bed really are. He's only 12 and I think that if she found out her baby boy was masturbating she'd have heart failure. So I'll leave that out for another two years or so.
I got out of bed and put on a fresh t-shirt and then cleaned up my pencils and went out to the kitchen. Mikey was sitting at the table doing homework, it was summer vacation so I don't even know where the Hell it came from. I put on the coffee machine and lit up a cigarette, mom always gave me shit for smoking but she was at work and Mikey didn't care.
When I finished my coffee I called Ray, he answered after 3 rings, "Hey Gee!" "Hi Ray, you free to go hang out?" "Yeah I'm just watching my little sister while my mom's at the store, go down to the comic-book store and I'll meet you there in 30!" "Okay man, see you soon!". I grabbed my jacket and told Mikey not too leave the house, he rolled his eyes in a way that said 'yes I know, dumbass!'
I made my way to the comic store and waited an hour and there was still no sign of Ray, I walked out about to go home when I saw a sign in the window looking for a shelf stacker for the store. I went back in and asked Bob about it and he gave me an application and a pen. I started filling it in; Name: Gerard Way. Age: 17. Past occupations: None. I heard the door open and glanced up, now I don't know whether it was my medication acting up or something, but as soon as I laid eyes on him, my heart skipped a beat.
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