Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is How We Dissapear.

Like A Bullet Through A Flock Of Doves. (2)

by BuriedAlive15

Gerard is going crazy with thoughts of Frank. Can he shake this infatuation?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-15 - Updated: 2015-07-16 - 1554 words - Complete

I sat on the floor in the living room half watching TV with Mikey, he was trying to have a conversation with me but I could only reply with a few nods and 'mhmm's. I was too pre-occupied thinking about the boy from the comic store earlier that day. Who was he? I'd never seen him around before. He must have just moved here. I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful he was. His raven-black hair, his perfect nose, the way his lip ring shimmered in the dull light of the store. I found myself closing my eyes and my mind began to wander to um 'other places'. Just as things were getting steamy in my head the phone rang, causing me to jolt out of my daydream. I jumped up and went to the kitchen, caller ID read Incoming call: The Hair. The Hair was my nickname for Ray. "Hey Ray!" "Hey man, look sorry I didn't go to the comic store today, my mom took longer than I thought and when she got back we had to have dinner and then I had to look after Sarah again 'cause tonight is my moms bingo night." "It's cool man don't worry 'bout it, I applied for a job there." "At the bingo hall!?" "No at the comic store! Dumbass." "Ah, makes a lot more sense." "Mhmm. Hey man while I have your attention, you didn't hear anything about a new family moving here, did you?" "Eh no I don't think so, why?" "I saw a guy today at the comic store that I've never seen before. I don't know, maybe he was just passing by." "Maybe. Here dude I gotta go, my mom's gonna throw a bitch fit if I run up the phone bill. Catch you later!" "M'kay dude, bye."
I hung up and put the phone back on the stand. I told Mikey to go to bed as it was midnight and if my mom got back from her shift and found him still awake she'd kill us both. I went into my room and locked the door, putting in a Misfits CD and sitting down at my desk. I picked up my pencil and attempted to draw something. I drew some lines here and there, hoping something would come to me. But I couldn't get him off my mind. When drawing failed I picked up one of the new comics I got yesterday and hopped onto my bed. But again I couldn't stop thinking about him and had to keep reading the same page at least five times just for it to half sink in. I gave up and threw the comic on the floor in frustration, I lay down and groaned into my pillow. This was all new to me, feeling this way about somebody. Sure I'd had girlfriends before and made out with the occasional guy. And I wasn't a virgin. But something about him was...different. Which had to be crazy because I didn't even know the guys name! I got back out of bed and took off my jeans and t-shirt, dumping them wherever there was room on the floor. I got back in and yawned, I was more tired than I thought. My head once again filled with his face. His beautiful, angelic face. I smiled. Maybe I could go back to the comic store tomorrow for a few hours and see if he'll show up. God, was I that crazy? I sighed one last time and let darkness swallow me.

The next day

Breakfast was eventful. I went into the kitchen and put on the coffee machine, like I did every morning at 10 like clock-work. I got out my favourite mug and waited for the coffee to finish heating. While I was waiting I got a bowl out of the cupboard and poured myself some cereal, I stood eating it by the counter-top waiting for my coffee. The machine 'dinged' and I put my bowl on the table, pouring the steaming black liquid into my mug. I sat down at the table and took a mouthful, it burned my throat but I was used to that. As I was eating my cereal my mom walked into the kitchen looking like she'd just seen a ghost, my brow furrowed, "You okay, mom?", she smiled and nodded half-heartedly. Just then Mikey walked in, "Mom it wasn't what it looked like! I swear!", confusion filled me. "I was just scratching my leg!", I then realized what he was talking about. My laughter filled the small room, my mom and Mikey both looked at me and I stopped. I shut my mouth and put my head down, it took every ounce of strength I had to not fall on the floor in tears laughing. I quickly finished my cereal and coffee and tidied up. I went back to my room giggling like a seven year old girl who just discovered what the word 'penis' meant. I then grabbed my jacket and left to go to the comic-book store. It didn't open until noon and it was still only 10:50, so I had some time to kill. I decided to go to Starbucks first and ordered a large black coffee. I don't know why my mom gave me $20 every week, she was just feeding my caffeine addiction. And my nicotine addiction whenever I gave Bob money to buy me cigarettes. But I still had 11 left so I was fine for another few days.
By the time I walked to Starbucks and ordered my coffee it was already 11:20, so I just decided to go to the comic store and sit outside and wait for Bob to come and open up. When I finished my coffee I lit up a cigarette. People must have thought I was homeless because they kept throwing spare change into the empty coffee cup beside me. I can't blame them, I hadn't brushed my hair today and I only had one pair of jeans, the pair I was wearing now. Not to mention my boots were full of holes. I counted up all the change in the cup and discovered I had 'earned' $8:50. Nice! I poured the change into my hand and shoved it in my jacket pocket. I looked at my watch, it was 11:46, I was getting bored.
Finally Bob arrived and I stood up, "How long you been here?" "About 40 minutes, people thought I was homeless and started throwing me money. Pretty sweet." "Cool story man." I could tell he was being sarcastic, I didn't care. I was $8:50 richer!
He opened up and switched on the lights, I followed him in. "So Bob, any word on that shelf stacker job?" "Oh yeah, you got it. No one else applied." "Oh my God, really!?" "Yeah. Jeez man, don't pee your pants." I hugged him, "Thank you so much!". He wriggled out of my grasp, "Hey man, you know about me and hugging!". Bob wasn't the hugging type, "Yeah, sorry." "It's cool, man." "So, when do I start?" "Uh now would be great." "Yeah? Cool!". I looked around, "So, what do I do?" "Well you can start by putting these comics-" he lifted up a box from behind the desk "-onto those shelves." He pointed to shelves over by the wall. "And I'll need you just to put on this t-shirt, so people know you work here." He handed me a black t-shirt with a logo of a comic-book on the front, with the words "Danger Days" printed on the front of it, the name of the store. I went into the bathroom and put on the shirt, I came back out and began putting comics away.
After a couple of hours Bob told me my shift was up and told me to come back tomorrow, he also said I could keep the shirt so long as I didn't lose it.
I started walking home, dissapointed and a little sad that he never showed up. Maybe he was just passing through. I let out a sigh. It was 6:30, I'd need to get home soon because my moms shift starts at 7:30 and she needs me there to look after Mikey. I couldn't wait until he turned 15 so he could look after himself. But by then I'll more than likely be gone, hopefully to art college.
I got home at 6:50 just as my mom was rushing out the door, she kissed me on the cheek and told me that dinner was in the fridge. I went into the kitchen and Mikey was sitting there reading. I tried not to laugh, thinking about this mornings events. I made him some mac & cheese and just made myself a sandwich, I washed up when we were finished and told Mikey to be in bed by midnight. I went into my bedroom and locked the door behind me, I shrugged off my jacket and kicked off my boots. Surprisingly stacking shelves is tiring work. I grabbed a comic and jumped onto my bed, yawning every five minutes. I put the comic on my bed-side table and lay there. Staring at the ceiling while the Misfits filled the small room.
I closed my eyes and let my head fill with images of him, I smiled and slowly started to drift off into my dreams.
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