Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance


by BipolarUnicorn 1 review

A poem or something I guess.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-16 - Updated: 2012-07-17 - 239 words

Sometimes I wish I could just sleep.
Go to sleep and never wake up.
I just wish.
Sometimes it seems like a peaceful way to go.
It seems where you are the safest.
Away from it all.
You can't think about all the hurtful things while dreaming.
That's why I'm usually happiest when I'm asleep.
Besides the nightmares.
Sleeping is like a get away.
A vacation, maybe I'll never return one day from it.
I sometimes get disappointed when I wake up.
Then I get up to face the day.
Look in the mirror.
Think back to those painful words.



I hate being called stupid. Its basically saying I'm a fuck-up.
Which I am.


I'm not emo. Just because I look sad I'm not 'emo'.


I like to where black. Deal with it.
I hate labels.
I can't stand them.
This is why I just wish I could sleep, instead of facing the world.
I'm not strong.
I just want to sleep.
Sleep and never wake.

Now I lay me down to sleep,

Have my soul stay around to creep.

If I should die before I wake,

Now you can have a break.

Just let me sleep.
And never awake.


I edit more of this today, like one line.
I'm going to fix this later.
God this is irritating and urgh. I don't like it. It need to be edited.

gurgles FUCK SHIT.

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