Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X > Last Moments

Tidus: Don't Look Back

by Oceana 1 review

Tidus's last moment before he faded away.

Category: Final Fantasy X - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Tidus - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-07-10 - Updated: 2006-07-10 - 315 words

You shook your head furiously, the look in your eyes, telling me not to go.

/Don't go, please/.

I smiled, words choked in my throat. A silly goodbye to my friends and I walked.

The edge of the airship was nearer with every steps, I told myself I can do it, then I heard Kimahri shouted your name.

I turned and saw you running at me, I stopped and I stretched my arms out to you.

/Stop me/.

I was naive.

The cruel truth tore me apart when you fell through me. I couldn't feel you. Pyreflies spiralled up to the sky, I can feel the Farplane and a faraway voice calling for me. Dad and Auron always says I was a crybaby, and they were right. My tears won't stop streaming, yet they won't form onto the surface of the floor anymore. They faded, just as I was fading away as well.

"Thank you."

Those were your last words to me and it meant so much. All the memories we had, all the moments we shared flooded into me. I looked at you, your back facing me and it was as strong as the first time I saw you. I carried my foot and walked slowly towards you, praying hard for just one more second. I tried to hold you, I wrapped my arms around you, but I didn't touch you.

Because I couldn't bear the feel of not feeling anything about you at all.

/This is it/.

I let my arms down, walked right through you as I felt that very second of us and our hearts tied tightly together. We were one at that very last moment.

"We will meet again, right? Right?"

/Thank you, Rikku/.

Laying my eyes beyond the far horizon, I picked up my pace and I started running.

The edge was near.

/Don't look back/.

And I jumped.
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