Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I Love Your Hands

I Love Your Hands

by anonymowriter 5 reviews

Minding his own business at work, Ryan gets harassed by a crazy guy. ///Rydon///

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Horror,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-07-05 - Updated: 2012-07-05 - 1396 words


I worked at a coffee shop by where I lived. It was called Beans. It was small and most of our customers had been coming there for years. When we did get a new person, it was exciting to become friends with them. Few, if any, new people didn’t become regulars. They loved our coffee, they loved the baristas, and everyone was really friendly to them, without fail. Customers would come in and we’d ask them about their kids, how school was going, if they got that job they were trying to get, etc.

However, we also have the crazies, just like everywhere. The only difference between most crazies and this one was that most of them ordered a drink and/or food and just sat, minding their own business. Maybe they’d occasionally yell a few words or something. But they never harassed us or the other customers. I never had to deal with someone this crazy before.

I watched as he walked in and I smiled, “Good morning!” and when he approached, he just stared at me for a while before I looked around me and then at him, “What can I get for you, sir? Maybe something cool since it is hot outside?” I offered, placing my hand on the top of the register in front of me. He was silent for a while before I pursed my lips, “Sir?”

“Your name…” he looked at my nametag, “is Ryan…” he looked at my face, “I knew someone who looked like you… His name was Kevin… He was going to college in Virginia. He was really sweet and nice… And he was so funny… Oh he had such a sense of humor. I loved him, I really did. But then I said some things that made him upset…” he looked down, “And then I never saw him again,” he looked up at me, “But you seem like a sweet kid.”

Uh… Okay? What was I supposed to say to that? I had absolutely no idea. I was tempted to just ignore that and ask what he wanted. But I smiled and nodded a little, “That’s not me. I’m not Kevin. I’m sorry that happened though. Is there a drink I can get for you?”

He laughed a little, “Oh, I know you’re not Kevin!” he shook his head, “But you look like him. The brown hair,” he smiled, “Your hands. Oh I loved his hands,” at which point I slowly moved my hands back down to rest on the counter. This was so awkward. What was I supposed to do? “Oh, no, don’t worry. I won’t do anything about it,” he gave me a big smile, “What do you have here that’s good?”

“Uh…” I was distracted at this point. What was I doing? Oh, right! I was at work, yeah, working. Okay, yeah, there was that. I turned and looked at the board behind me, “Well, I like the Mocha Latte,” I turned to him, “But I—”

“Then let’s have that!” he smiled at me and I nodded slowly, inputting that in the screen, “And I wanted something to eat… A lot to eat. If I don’t eat a lot, I’ll get sick…”

Uh, thanks for telling me? Why did I care? Oh right, cause I was a nice person. I smiled a little, “Well, we have bagels… and we have slices of pie if you want that… We also have sandwiches that I can make for you… I’m not sure what you’re in the mood for.”

“What kind of sandwiches do you have?”

“Uh… Ham, veggie, turkey… We also have paninis.”

“I’ll have a turkey sandwich. Is that alright? Can you do that?”

“Of course,” I put that into the screen and turned to Alicia, “Could you make—”

“No, I want you to make it, Ryan. Not her. I want you to make it.”

I slowly turned back to him and nodded slowly, “Okay, I’ll make it for you then… What do you want on it?” this was so weird. I wish I could say that this was all just my imagination, but it wasn’t. He really was this weird. But I figured this would be the last I’d see of him, so I didn’t care much.

“Aside from the turkey, what do you usually put on it?” I blinked a few times. What was that supposed to mean? I hesitated a little and he laughed, “Oh, I’m being silly, aren’t I?” he shook his head, “Just make it how it’s supposed to be made!”

“Okay…” I input that into the computer before I did a few things, “What’s your name?”

“Brendon,” he gave me a big grin. Brendon… My ex boyfriend’s name was Brendon. I wasn’t too fond of the name, to be honest. But I forced the bad memories back and smiled, putting that in, “What’s wrong? You made a face when I said my name? Do I disgust you?” he sounded offended.

“What? No! No, not at all. I just used to know someone named Brendon. Sorry, bad memories,” I gave him a weak smile and put the name in. I then looked at him, “6.35.”

“Would you like to call me Bren instead? I’d be okay with that,” he smiled. Why would I need to call him anything? I wasn’t going to see him again, so I didn’t really care. I shrugged and watched as he took out a 10 from his wallet. I gave him back his change and smiled. He sighed, “You don’t look happy.”

“I am happy. Thank you so much. I’ll make your sandwich,” I turned and went to the station. I put on the gloves and started on the sandwich. I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole interaction. Okay… I wasn’t entirely sure what all of that meant, but I wasn’t concerning myself with it. When I was done with the sandwich, I went over to give it to him, but he was getting angry at Alicia. I stepped forward, “What’s going on?”

“I wanted you to make my drink, Ryan! Not her! You rang me up, you should make my drink and my sandwich! Not her! Not her! Not her!” he was throwing a fit.

I shook my head, “Okay, I’ll make it for you,” I took the cup Alicia had made the drink in and poured it out, “See? I’ll make it,” so I did. I made it according to the way I’d been taught. I put it in front of him, “There you go.”

“Thank you, Ryan, for making my drink,” he practically sneered at Alicia before walking away to sit down somewhere in the store. What was that about? I smiled apologetically at Alicia before I went to clean up the sandwich station.

A little later, I had to clean up the store before I could go home. So I went over to where Brendon was sitting and smiled, “Want me to take that for you?” I asked, outstretching my hand toward his plate.

He looked up at me and smiled, “You have really beautiful hands… I love your hands. Did I say that before?” he laughed, "Because I really love your hands," he stared me in the eyes. After a long pause, he continued, “Yes, please. Thank you,” after I took it and went into the back. Once I changed out of my work clothes, I hugged Alicia good bye and grabbed my phone. I checked it and found a text from my boyfriend. Smiling, I walked out and headed home.

The next day, I was just minding my own business, joking around with Alicia when I heard his voice, “Ryan?” so I turned around and there he was in all his glory. I blinked a few times. I didn’t think he’d come back. He continued, “Do you know Kevin? Kevin was a beautiful boy… And so are you,” he smiled. Shivers went down my spine.


A/N: This is based off of what has happened to me in real life. Crazy people scare the crap out of me, haha. Hope you enjoyed! THREE reviews means an update!
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