Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drama on the Second Page!

Other side of the camera

by tmbfucks 3 reviews

Hostage video filming.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-19 - Updated: 2012-07-19 - 796 words - Complete

The door opened a couple of hours later. A man in a mask came in. There was something familiar about the way he walked. I could tell it was a guy.

'Nice to see you again.' He said. His voice was distorted again.

'What the fuck do you want?' Andy asked.

'Temper temper.' He laughed. 'There's going to be one more video. You guys are going to star in it. Not Caitlin and Dakota, no, you two.' He answered.

'Why just us?' I asked in fear.

'Well, between you and me, your family thinks they're dead, and we're going to keep it that way until we get a teeny bit more.' He answered.

'You're already loaded. Why do you want more?' I asked.

'I don't want more money. It was never about that. It was about fear. I need them to be more scared than they've ever been. I'm going to break up the band. I feast on their fear. They're worthless people. I've always hated your family. They don't deserve fame or anything good in their lives.' He snarled. 'After all, that's one of the many reasons why I kidnapped you in the first place.' He said. My eyes widened. He took off his mask and the microphone that distorted his voice. It was William.

'Leave us alone!' I screamed. No way was I ever going to put up with him again.

'Oh, Penina. You know I can't do that. You know what I'm capable of. Now, I'm going to video you, and you're going to act like Dakota and Caitlin are dead and you're going to pretend that you're going to die in 24 hours, if you refuse, than you'll be dead way before that. Understood?' He asked. I nodded my head. When the camera's light turned red, we started speaking. I was already in fear for our lives.

'Please, help us. They're dead. You have to find us or they'll kill us in 24 hours. We're scared.' I said crying.

'The last thing I know was that we were in a hotel trying to do an exchange. We know about this guy called Christopher Datson. You need to get in touch with him, you need to ask him about us. I don't mind dying, just not Penina.' Andy said. The camera turned off, and William slapped me hard across the face. I could feel blood dripping down my face. He left as soon as he did. I hate him.

'Penina, are you okay?' Caitlin asked running up to me. I started crying even harder.

'I wish I just died and told them the truth. This isn't fair. We need to find a way out of here.' I told them.

'How do you expect us to do that though? There's nowhere we can escape.' Andy said.

Dakota started crying. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth until she stopped and fell asleep.

'They're going to think that you guys are dead. They're going to be sick with fear and sadness. We at least need them to know we're alright.' I said.

'That's impossible though. Look, when they find out we're okay, they'll be over the moon with happiness.' Caitlin said.

'Yeah, I guess. But I'd have lied to them.' I said.

'For a good reason.' Andy told me rubbing my back. If it wasn't for the fact that my younger sister was there, and that I had a baby in my arms, and that this was one of he scariest situations I've ever been in, I would have grabbed him and kissed him.

'What now?' I asked.

'Well... we can't exactly go anywhere...' Andy echoed my words at the hotel room. I punched him playfully.

'Stop it you idiot.' I giggled.

'Is this something I don't want to know?' Caitlin asked.

'We did something that Mikey and Hozzie did to create this bundle of joy, but with something that would prevent it.' Andy answered. I giggled.

'I don't want to hear that.' She argued.

'The thing is Caitlin, at some point in the future, we will have one of these for our own. And you'll have to babysit and be reminded of what we did every single time.' I told her.

'Can we get William to kill me now?' She asked. We all giggled.

Hey guys! You know that feeling where you kind of remember a dream, but not completely, and it's just a bunch of weird pictures of stuff that happened in it? No? Ah well, it's happening to me now. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry if it's short! XD xx
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