Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What is Love?


by lalatherapist16 1 review

Gerard starts thinking... A lot

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-25 - Updated: 2012-07-25 - 693 words

I walked in the next day, my mind still stuck on the mystery guy from last night.

It'd kept me up till nearly five in the morning. I checked my time card and yawned.

"Rough night?" Jay asked with a smirk. I glared at him and stood in my place. "That guy was here earlier..." He muttered.

My brain came to life. "Really?" I asked, wanting to kick myself for missing him.

"So you are stuck on him! I knew it!" He pointed at me. My cheeks burned again. "And no, he wasn't really here."

I gave him my most evil look and slumped against the counter. "Hate you." I yawned, making him laugh.

"Dude, this isn't school. No sleeping on the desk." He poked my cheek with the end of his pen.

"Ugh, don't bring back my glory days." I laughed, forcing myself to sit up. He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you can go mop the lady's room if you're so tired. I'll handle the counter." I grabbed the mop and bucket with slow hands.

Moping the lady's room was the easiest thing in the store. And I didn't mind cleaning. I used to clean at home when mom still worked two jobs.

I wonder if he'll ever come back in here? My heart sank slowly as I rang out the mop head.

Had I missed my chance? I was done moping in about ten minutes.

Will I ever see him again? I put up the wet floor sign and rolled the mop bucket back out to the small closet.

The air didn't tingle at all that day. I didn't feel anything.

It was like any other day here. After my shift, I waljed the block and a half home, cutting through the alley way as usual.

And, as usual, the broken glass crunched under my feet. The booming music from the bars filled the air. I crammed my hands in my pockets and looked down.

The moon broke through the clouds, casting shadows off of everything. A small tingle ran down my spine, making me shiver and look up.

A dark figure leaned against a wall by a door, the red cherry of a lit cigarette burning away. I kept walking, dropping my head again.

The tingling got more and more intense the closer I got. "Gerard?" The deep voice relaxed me and made me want to vomit at the same time.

I looked over at the guy's face lit by the silver of the moon. "Hi." He smiled. "What are you doin back here?" He asked, flocking his butt into a can next to him.

"H-heading home." He nodded thoughtfully. I bit my lip nervously. "And you?"

"Just hangin." He shrugged. "I doubt I'll have much more time before the guys notice I'm gone." He laughed quietly.

I smiled as a harsh breeze whistled down the alley, blowing our hair and making me shiver. The door next to him opened. "Yo Frank? You done yet bro?"

"Yeah man. I'll be back in in a minute." The big hilking man nodded and closed the door behind him. "Told ya. Later Gerard." He gave me a sad grin and stood on the small step to the door.

"Later Frank." I waved and started walking again. I smiled hugely to myself.

I know his name now. The smile stayed the whole way home, making Mikey ask me what was goin on

Smiling, I just went down to my room, the dark cave like area making me calm at once. My neck and spine still tingled.

Frank. I lay down, crossing my arms behind my head.

I kicked off my shoes and threw my shirt off, my pale completing the vampire like area. My head spun, Frank's face drifting in every few minutes.

That night, I dreamed of Frank. I was unaware of what had just started.

Or where it would go.

I love writing on my phone! It's sooo much faster than on the desktop :)

R+R!! I might try to get another chapter up today, but I'm wanted else where at the moment.

So, we'll see what happens.

Hugs and Clocks,
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