Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Deaf.

Most Of Us Are Breathing Through Corrupted Lungs

by Unknown098123

Gerards typical weekend. Mikey gets some luck

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] - Published: 2012-07-31 - Updated: 2012-08-01 - 1058 words

Okay hello. Please read this. Lately ive been feeling really really down, like rock bottom. Ive started doing things i never thought i would and i just suck right now, so im sorry if this chapter sucks and i hated the last chapter so fuxking much is like ugh meh. Basically the story progresses and they both fall for the girl and theres a twist and whatever, so im sorrry if this part sucks. The quote at the start is a quote from a song by the band chapters called cassettes, its helped me through an awful lot, its worth a listen. Kinda reflects on my mood, so yeah R&R god bless.

Gerards POV

I burn out like cigarettes and I run out like tape cassettes.

"Happy Birthday" I told the random guy whos party I was at, before necking my drink. I have no idea what is in this cup. I have no desire to know.

'Dude' Bob greated me over the loud house music. He was always chill; drunk, high whatever.

'Hey man, any hot girls here yet?' I asked with a grin.

'Theres a few, A new girl, shes quite hot. Looks innocent' he laughed, his eyes burning with passion.

I picked up another drink, and drank that. I then walked over to a cluster of girls by the door, grinning to myself. Easy money.


'Hey Gerard, enjoying the party' A girl asked, I think her name was Nicole or something. I was to busy gawking at the beauty that was stood in the door way, sipping a drink looking slighly overwhelmed, to care about another blonde slut. I smiled at Nicole, moving away from her arm she had placed around my shoulders.

This girl, was so, beautiful, she almost seemed unreal, there was something about her that made my skin tingle. She had flowing brown loose curls that fell down her slender back. Motherfucking huge green eyes, underlined in black eyeliner and framed with thick black lashes, she had a cute little nose and some freckles. But her lips, i just wanted to kiss them, full pink and pouty. Did i know this girl, she looked familiar? I looked her up and down. Good body. Wearing a simple flower print summer dress, pumps and a demin jacket. I grinned maliciously to myself.

'Hi, Im Gerard Way, and you are?' I grinned at her, pushing my black fringe out of my eyes. Instead of telling me her name (and her number) she shot me an confused look, which changed to fear, then anger. She then scoffed.

'Eva Morreti' She repyled coldly. Seriously what is with this girl.

'Thats nice, Spanish?'

'Italian, now if you'll excuse me..' She pushed past me to go stand with her friends once more.

I racked my brains, im sure I knew this girl..Did I fuck her and not call her back? No way, i'd remember that. Eh women. Frank has more sense than them, thats saying something. Seen as last week he nearly killed himself because Ray told him, if you stay underwater for 5 minutes you'd get superpowers. Its a good job Franks mom knew something was up when he was quiet in the bathtub, because normally he sings Guns 'n' Roses. Atleast this time he didnt try to take his Ipod in the tub with him..

'Man, try this' Bob shoved a spliff of some sort in my face, and I carelessly smoked it still pondring the mystery of women.


'You've had a little to much of this' Bob said taking the weed away.

I dont care, I yelled at that Eva chick for looking at Mikey, was she that hot when I was yelling at her?

I could enjoy myself more knowing what I had done wrong. I had no intention to fix the problem, but that annoying niggily feeling in my head went away. Y'know when you know something but can't remember..

I smoked more, drank more and took more. My head was thumping in time with the bass music. I fooled around with some girl in the bathroom so now i was able to leave, party checklist in tact.

I was sick a few times, but ended up baked and drunk crashed out on Bobs couch by 2:30am.


It feels like a rhino humped my skull last night. And I think swedish milk churning children have taken up residence in my tummy. Instead of churning milk, they are churning the contents of my stomach. Im sweating more than a child-molester in a playground and my mouth is as dry as my 70 year old math teachers vagina. I'm a mess.

We are the reckless, we are the wild youth. Chasing visions of our future.

Mikeys POV

I wanted Gee home, with his hangover so I could brag about the gig, It was yesterday and im still on a high.

My mom came down, clad in her work gear.

'Michael, im going to work, will go just go to the store on the corner and get some bread, we're out. She handed me some silvers and was gone.

I looked at myself, skinny jeans, awkward knees and band tee's thats me.

Sighing i left the house. Consumed in my own concert thoughts.

I walked down the rows of badly stocked items, grabed some bread and joined the que.

I looked straight at the girl and she looked back, she broke into a grin.

'Mikey' she smiled. She must have a beautiful voice.

'Eva' i smiled back handing her the bread.

'What brings you here?'

'I live close by, getting bread for my mom' i blushed. How cool Mikey.

I watched her laugh.

'Thats cute, listen i'll have to see you around' she gestured to the que. 'But you should text me sometime' she slid me a bit of paper, with delicate hands.

'Um.. Thanks..ill, do just that..haha' Ground. Swallow. Me.

She smiled once more, I collected my bread and made my way outside the shop. Then broke into a happy dance, gaining a scared stare from a old lady.

Bless my skinny jeans, band tee's and awkward knees!
dont hate my sucky-ness to much, R&R love you all hah. Ps- I only update late at night thats why my spelling is doomed.
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