Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Deaf.

My Sweet Escape.

by Unknown098123 0 reviews

'Music, thats my way out Gee'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-29 - Updated: 2012-07-30 - 960 words

Mikeys POV

I know Gerard trys to help, but most times, he does the opposite.

He thinks I didnt see him, shouting at that girl.

I didnt know all of what he said, but I picked out some words;




And an awful lot of 'fucking'

I also saw a girl, a girl that was in my English, Bio and Home Ec, run off.

Great going Getard.

I sigh, following the girl from before, passing Gerard, who looked like he was working out a hard math sum whist trying to figure out how to solve 3rd world problems.

I found the girl. Under the English stairs, tears in eyes. Ipod in ears, scowling a scowl that nearly made me turn around and walk back.

'Um..Hey, i just wanted to say im sorry for my brother, he gets to protective' I told her, hating the sound of my own voice.

She looked up at me, and I was aware of how beautiful she was, with long wavy chocolate brown hair. There was just something unreal and eerie about her. Somthing so stunning, her ivory skin glowed and her eyes, wow her eyes. They where a huge almond shape and a sharp bright green, her lips where a perfect pink plump shape, turned down into a frown, and she had a few freckles sprayed across her button nose. I suddenly felt very self conscious.

She sighed. 'No, im sorry, I shouldnt have been staring' she looked back down to change the song on her ipod.

'Its fine, really, my brother is a dick 95% of the time' i grinned at her.

She laughed.

'So you're deaf?' she asked, looking at me again.

'Umm, yeah haha' i scratched the back of my neck, I really dont like talking about it, but never had the guts to tell anyone to shut up about it.

'My dad is to, and I understand if you dont wanna talk about it, i wouldnt want to' she explained, smiling at me again.

'Oh, that sucks' great going Mikey, she tells you something like that and you reply with 'Oh that sucks' ugh.

'Well, i better get going' she said, beginning to get up.

'Um..Err..I..I..Im M-mikey by the way' you stuttering idiot.

'Im Eva' she said before walking off to the parking lot, leaving me spellbound and hyponotized and seriously thinking the past 5 minutes was a very good dream.


Smashing Pumpkins gig TONIGHT! me and ray are picking you up at 7 BE READY DUDE -frank.

As soon as i got the text my whole body went into gig mode.

My first gig, as being 'deaf' wow.

Putting on my Smashing Pumpkins CD, I started to route through my draws for my skinny jeans and Smashing Pumpkins shirt.

10 Minutes later i was downstairs, eating Lucky charms, hair straightened, converse on and exitment growing.

'Hey ' Gerard asked walking through the front door, shaking september rain out of his hair.

I sigh.

'What?' I asked.

'Sorry dude, I said where you headed?' he asked again looking at me straight in the eye.

Thats the only thing that sucks, unless people shout as loud as fucking possible you have to look them right in the lips.

'Frank and Ray are taking me to a gig' I told him unable to hide the exitment in my voice.

'What?' his eyes clouded over.

'A gig?'

'Are you fucking stupid?' he spat. i was completly taken back by his reaction.

'Whats the problem' i asked.

'Whats the problem, do you wanna be fucking beaten up? can you even hear it?' he asked.

I felt my face drain of colour, he of all people should know I just want to be fucking normal and not let this stop me.

'Shit Mikey, im sorry, I..I..Im just worried about you' he reasoned.

'Music, thats my way out Gee, Thats my escape' I told him, before slipping off my seat at the breakfast bar and walking outside into the inky dark night to wait for Frank.

It sucks being deaf, but I guess theres people worse off, some people cant hear at all. But what really sucks is that people think you're unable to do simple things and treat you like a 5 year old. But I could be worse off.

I was pulled away from my thoughts as a car horn beep'ed, over and over.


I made my way over to franks beat up truck.

'Dude iam so pumped right now' Ray shouted grinning.

'Me two' I yelled.

'Me three' Frank said jumping up and down in his seat and making the car swerve.

As we pulled up to the club, it wasnt the best. It was a red brick building, with dim light and music spilling from the door and people where in a messy line waiting to be let in.

Frank let out a girlish squeal, and Ray jumped aroud on the spot.

The atmosphere inside the club was buzzing. It was loud and alive with music and people.

The concert got going, and I felt like this was the best time of my life, all the people shouting and screaming along to the songs, the ground was bouncing, people where shoving and dancing. So I couldnt hear the music as well as everyone else, It didnt matter. I could feel it. Frank was having a fangirl attack. And now, right now, I was Mikey. Not deaf, or weird, or fragile. I was Mikey. And I was on top of the world.

Please excuse any bad spelling damn dyslexia. Anyway please please please please R&R it really does push me to go on with my writing.
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