Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Do I Run Into Your Arms? Or Do I Run Away Screaming

Chapter 16

by Sarahkilljoykid 0 reviews

Time to go see my little brother.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-08-06 - Updated: 2012-08-07 - 556 words

Sorry about the wait, yet again, and I know it's short, but my free period is almost over, please enjoy :)

Gerard’s POV

Frankie. My little Frankie. He ran away from me… He knew what I was… I needed help, and there was only one person who could possibly do that… I needed my little brother… I needed Michael. But he might not even want to help me, for all I knew he might try to kill me as soon as he saw me! But he’s friends with Frankie; surely he’d want to help? If not for my sake, for his? I hoped… Time to go see my little brother…

A man sits on the front step of his house. His sandy blonde hair falling messily into his eyes, his hands covering his face. That face. It had been far too long since I had laid eyes upon it.
“Michael,” I said softly, just loud enough to rouse him from his thoughts.
“Who are you?” said Michael as he looked up at me, his face breaking into a look of confusion and a faint recognition.
“Don’t you remember me little brother?” I said softly.
“Gerard? Is it truly you? But you’re dead! You disappeared one hundred years ago!” he said, his voice rising frantically.
“I’m so sorry, I just… I had to get away…” I said, hoping he’d see how sorry I was.
“Why didn’t you just let us know where you were? That you were alive?” he asked, fresh tears welling in his eyes.
“I don’t know… I just… I couldn’t stand to be near anyone, I needed to be alone…” I explained, “will you ever be able to forgive me?”
“There is nothing to forgive,” he said with a smile, “you’re back now, that’s all that matters.” Joy bubbled up inside me, my baby brother had forgiven me, he wasn’t angry!
“Thank you. So much,” I said as I pulled him into my arms and hugged him close to my body.

“Why now?” he asked.
“Why what?” I asked, confused.
“Why did you choose now to come back?”
“I’ve wanted to for a few years now, but…”
“but what?”
“I need your help.”
“With what?”
“Frankie. He knows what I am, he ran away from me.”
“He just did the same to me… wait how do you know him.”
“I saw him, and I wanted him.”
“As a pet or more than that?”
“I don’t know… at first as a pet, but now I don’t know.”
“Do not mistreat that boy! He is my friend.”
“I would never do that to him…”
“So any idea where he is?”
“No clue, but-“ I began to say before a sickly sweet voice cut in.

“Boys, boys, it’s absolutely… disgusting, to see two fine Vampires such as yourself fretting this much over a weak, pathetic human,” said Evie, her messy blue hair blowing around in the wind, “if you want him so bad, come get him, but be quick, I’m getting hungry.”
She ran. We chased. I just hoped we could get there in time.

So what did you think? please R&R, this story is almost over! and I promise the next few chapters will be packed with suspence!
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