Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Devil On My Shoulder

What Happened Last Night?

by ArsenicRainbowDash 2 reviews

Rescued... at last

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2012-08-07 - Updated: 2012-08-08 - 1449 words - Complete

Okay. I WAS going to change the ending, but then other stuff got in the way, like schoolwork. That's why it took so long to upload this. I was trying to come up ways to change the ending, since I don't like it. But I figure, well, if I get this over with, I don't have to deal with it any more and I can go on to start planning for some other stories I had in mind. Better ones. I promise. So don't give me too much hell over a crappy ending. Because I know it's crappy. And it will get better in the future, pinky swear.
So enjoy this piece of stale rabbit crap for now.

I was lead like a dog on the arm of the Frenchman. If I wasn't so woozy still, I might have gotten away, but it felt like if his grip got any tighter my arm might fall off.
What had they given me?
We traversed down hallways, only lit with dim lamps on either wall. It was like they wanted to keep this place a secret... wherever it was. All was silent except the tap-tap of his patent leather dress shoes and the pitiful pat-pat of my bare feet. I had a hard time keeping up; he was walking at such a brisk pace that he was damn near dragging me. Somewhere, in a place far away from my brain, I could feel my toes rubbing raw on the hard carpet.
He made the worst small talk. "Bad boy, you are," he scolded me in a low, harsh tone. "You're gonna hafta be a bitch for a while. We're selling your flesh. You ain't no porn star no more, just an unlucky, unworthy little whore, eh?"
I bit my lip, trying not to swear colors at him. I felt a sad little pity party build up in the back of my throat, and I tried hard to swallow it down. But I was too lost in confusion. How had things ended up like this? What did I do to deserve this?
Finally, as he dragged me away from the little room I had woken up in (which now sounded extremely appealing compared to my current circumstances), we finally turned and went through big metal doors. I looked around. The room was still rather dark, other than a spotlight in the middle of the room. I heard people mumbling, and when I glanced beyond the bright fluorescent light I could make out even more expensively dressed men, all looking much like the French penguin who had brought me here.
He shoved me into a metal folding chair, of course hissing "Stay here," at me before going to join his fellow pimp clones. I recognized one of them; the guy who claimed to be my 'bodyguard', the one who had brought me here. I felt a knot of hatred twist in my stomach. I wanted to cut him up with a chainsaw for bringing me to this awful, degrading place.
Eventually he rejoined my side, not saying a word, but focusing his attention to the spotlight thing in the center of the room. I have to admit, I was curious. I too looked, but the following events disgusted me completely.
A young girl was led into the center of the room. She couldn't have been older than sixteen, but I couldn't tell for sure, as her face was covered by a curtain of long hair the color of straw. She was thin and pale, and kind of wobbled around when the guy leading her let her stand alone. I assumed that they had been drugging us all with something. And then a loud voice filled the tiny room from a source unbeknownst to me:
"I present to you, Sarah Marie, for a promising good time. We will begin the bidding at $1500." I gaped at no one in particular. Prostitutes?! From the way the girl, Sarah Marie, looked--which was drugged-- I could tell she had no idea what was going on, and that she hadn't asked for this. So it seemed we were pretty much on the same page.
I saw something red flash from the other side of the room, and then the voice said again, much to the dismay of my pounding head, "We have $1500." Another red flash. "$2000." Another, and another, and another, until finally... "Going once. Going twice, and... Sold, for $6000." The beautiful Sarah Marie was led away by another man and out of sight. I wanted so badly to scream, but I could feel the Frenchman's hawk eyes watching me from somewhere.
I watched as girls and boys alike were introduced to their 15 seconds of false fame under that bright light, bidded on, and then sold for impossible amounts of money, my mind swimming through a river of drugs and horror. I wished that Liam Neeson would appear out from nowhere and shoot the penguins and save us all, like in the movie Taken. But as I had the best luck in the whole world, my turn under the light soon came without hesitation.
Before I knew it, the Frenchman's rough hands were shoving me back off the metal chair and shooing me away. I stumbled under the light, unable to come up with any escape plans in those fast seconds it took for me to get from the chair to the light. I looked out at my audience, and remembering my provocative attire, immediately began feeling exposed and self conscious. But that light was mesmerizing. As much as I wanted to look away, I just couldn't, like a deer lost in headlights. I hoped I was the only one who could hear my heart pound.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen. The moment you've all been waiting for. Here we have Gerard Way, the porn star himself. He's yours for the taking starting at $10,000."
Ten. Thousand. Dollars. I saw a flash of the red "GIVE ME THAT BITCH" paddle, and the numbers went up, and up, and up, and more red, and then I just...
"$50,000?!? Going once, going twice..."
I saw another red flash. My knees shook. I thought I was going to pass out right there. I hoped I would, maybe it would momentarily save me from the confusion, disgust, and violation.
"Sold! For 60,000!"
I looked up warily to see a young, short man approach me from his seat in the audience. My mind filled with dread. I'd be this guy's fuck bunny... forever now...
"Gerard? Pst! It's me, Frank! I'm getting you out of here. Just don't say a word and follow my lead."
I literally collapsed with relief. Maybe the drugs too, but mostly I was just relieved. I could feel his arm around my shoulder as he walked me away. Frank... Frank was going to save me... he was getting me out of here... Frank...

"You do realize it's a Monday, right?"
"I was just leaving, sir."
"You better get back to school before I call the authorities."
"I will! Pst, Gerard. Hey, Gerard, wake up. Gerard? I hope you're not mad at me..."
I opened my eyes and saw nothing but the black fabric of my Misfits hoodie. Drowsily, I lifted my head, but as soon as the tangy scent of coffee hit my nostrils, I woke right up. I glanced around, trying to figure out my surroundings.
I was back in Starbucks.
There were no crowds.
No cameras.
No screaming girls.
Just me, my now-cold coffee, and Frank Iero.
I looked up at him in surprise. "What the... what the hell just happened?"
He looked at me cautiously, like he thought I'd bite. "You weren't in first hour... so I came looking for you..."
First hour?! "I'm in school?"
"You're supposed to be." He looked at me suspiciously.
"I'm not a porn star?!?"
"What the hell are you talking about? No, Gerard, you are not a porn star."
"Kids, you have five seconds to beat it!" said the man at the cash register.
Frank sighed. "Come on, let's go." But the suspicious look wouldn't leave his face. I got up, feeling awkward yet extremely relieved from the experience that had all been a dream.
The dream Frank had saved me from.
Kind of like how he had saved us from his grandpa.
I sighed as I remembered Bert. I'd have to teach that devil a lesson.
And make him give room for Frank, as the angel on my shoulder.

The end.
R&R? idgaf as long as I don't have to look at this story any more
and just in case you're still confused
the whole porn star idea was a dream
lololol k bye
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