Categories > Original > Poetry

Conveniently Untitled

by felix921 0 reviews

An old one. Simple, but usually well received.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2012-08-08 - Updated: 2012-08-08 - 89 words - Complete

Can you see the sky
It looks like rain
Wish it would wash
Away all my pain

But don't you worry
A-bout me
I'll be fine
Wait and see

Long as I've got
You to follow
And a little more
Pain to swallow

As long as you keep trodding on
As long as you've got life
I'll be there, right behind
To swallow all your strife

O'er black or green or orange ground
Wherever you may go
I'll follow, but I must admit
It's not easy being your shadow
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