Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personalised stories! Yey!



Yey! My first Personalised story!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 520 words


"Wow" Penina Dayne gasped as she stepped through the glass hotel doors. "This place is beautiful, guys. I feel so underdressed," Frank, who was standing beside her scanned the smart, expensive hotel lobby. Then turned his gaze to the pretty little Londoner, taking in the black boots leggings and t-shirt with a dancing man and a chicken. As his eyes reached hers he winked,

"You look fine, Penina. Come on! Let's go find Gerard and Mikey," a few moments later they found the Way brothers arguing with the receptionist.

"But we booked three rooms, only one with a twin bed!" Gerard's voice was stressed and he gripped the desk like it was going to save him from a tornado or something.

What's going on?, Penina thought. She opened her mouth to ask but was interrupted by  Gerard grabbing the keys angrily and storming off towards the elevator. The others following hot on his heels.


"Sorry, Penina, but the bitch of a receptionist messed up our booking so now we have just two rooms with twin beds. So you're going to have to share a room with Frank..." he trailed off and glanced at Frank sceptically.

"Oh, okay. Sure!" Penina replied grabbing Frank's tattooed arm and pulling him into their posh hotel room. 
It was clean and the beds were nicely made up... Until Frank decided it would be a good idea to jump on them.

He slipped off his converse and climbed onto his, bouncing up and down with a maniacal look in his eye.

"Come on! It's FUN!" Frank yelled, leaping the gap and onto Penina's bed. A Cheshire-cat grin spread across her face as she joined him, they jumped in sync and they soon developed a short routine. Then, after a particularly heavy jump, a sudden crack filled the room and Penina's bed crashed to the floor: Its wooden legs splintered.

"Shit!" Penina cried in shock, "that's going to be expensive." Frank just laughed, causing a wave of goosebumps to appear on her skin.

"We'll tell them in the morning, sleep with me tonight," His cheeks flushed when what he just said  hit him, "I mean, just share my bed" 


Twenty Minutes later and the two were changed and curled up in the small twin bed. Because of it's ridiculously small size Penina was squished against Frank's bare chest.

"Penina.." The guitarist whispered.


"I have to tell you something..." He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether he should tell her or not, "I don't know what your shirt means," he opted for not.

"You'll have to look it up," She grinned again and the goosebumps transferred to Frank's skin at the look in her eyes.
He couldn't help it.
He had to do it.
Crossing his fingers and hoping for the best, Frank brushed a strand of chestnut hair from her face and leant forward. His lips brushed hers softly, cautiously. 
Penina responded instantly and cupped his face.
It lasted only a moment but it would stay with him a lifetime.

Sorry for the cheesy ending and crapness, I promise your next one will be better :)

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