Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Random Drabbles

by BipolarUnicorn 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-08-17 - Updated: 2012-08-18 - 936 words

"Come on guys!" Gerard shouted towards the back of the bus. 

Frank,Ray, and Mikey come stumbling out the back probably with all the same questions on their minds. 

"Where are we going?" Ray pipes up. 

"Wal-Mart!" Gerard shouts smiling. 

"Why? So we can buy skittles and coffee?!" Franks says bouncing slightly. 

"Sure why not! Let's go!" Gerard says. Frank and Ray follow towards the exit of the bus. They all come to a halt when they don't hear a fourth pair of footsteps. They all turn around to see Mikey still standing in the same spot. 

"Hey Mikes, you coming?" Gerard asks. Mikey shakes his head. Frankie cocks his head basically asking why he didn't want to go on an adventure with them to Wal-Mart. 

"You guys don't know!?" He exclaims, thy all shake their heads. "Wal-Mart is run by the devil!"


Mikey and Gerard walk through the front doors off the funeral home. They see Frank and Ray talking in the distant. They walk over to him and put a hand on Rays shoulder. Rays grandpa just died so they decided to come and show support. 

They all chat for awhile, Ray then glares at a teenage girl that walks past. The three other boys glance at the girl and turn their attention back to Ray. 

"Why the glare at that girl?" Frank asks. 

"That's my cousin I used to have to babysit her. Shes like a little devil!" Ray exclaims.


Gerard and Mikey sit in the living room of their parents house, after coming home from their first Warped Tour.

"Would you boys like some hot dogs for lunch?" They hear their mom call from the kitchen. When she doesn't hear a response she see the two boys on the couch giggling. 

"So hot dogs or no?" She sighs. The both respond with a no and continue to giggle. "I bet you don't want them just cause they look like a penis." She scoffs. 

The boys just break out into an uncontrollable laughter.


"Bob we are suppose to be going thy way!" Mikey exclaims.

"I know, I know! I still have my crocs on, I don want them to get wet! And we need to switch spots dummy!" Bob says sticking his tongue out then rowing the canoe to shore. He gets out an Mikey take a seat in the back. Bob then begins to take off his shoes. 

Mikey feels the boat pushes slightly off the shore. He looks and sees the canoe Going backwards slightly. Mikey glances and sees Bob still not paying any attention. 

"Um, Bob?" Mikey says confused. Bob looks up. 

"Mikey! Where are you going?" Bob shouts and Mikey who is now in the rental canoe in the middle of the river. Also, without a paddle. 

"It's not my fault fucktard! Your the one who didn't want to get your god damn crocs wet!" Mikey yells back at Bob who is currently laughing at Mikey's misfortune. 

A few feet away in the river, Frank and Gerard are in a paddle boat. They notice are giggling at the lanky boy stuck in the canoe. They paddle over to him. 

"Need some help there Mikes?" Gerard asks giggling. Mikey pouts at his older brother and friends. 

"Yes! No help me goddamit!" The two boys roll their eyes attaching the canoe to the paddle boat with rope and pulling it into shore. 

"We have saved Mikey! Yeah!" Frankie says posing like Superman. 

Mikey strides over to Bob who is currently still standing in the same spot where he got out of the small gray boat. He slaps him on the arm with a pout. 

"I'm never going on a canoe with you alone again!" He says sticking our his tongue. 


The five boys of My Chemical Romance are currently relaxing in a small cabin. The radio is on filling the room with music, because there are no conversations going on. 

Mikey is sitting on the small couch reading a book and Ray is sitting in the small recliner on the other side of the room, watching the three boys at the table. Gerard is bent over the table with his ass sticking out watching Frank and Bob in a match of Egyptian Rat Screw. 

Teenage Dream by Katy Perry fills the room and from the sofa they hear a grumpy Mikey groan. Gerard giggles and then focuses his attention back to the game. He distracted by the catchy tune and begs o listening to it. 

Imma get your heart racing, 
in my skin tight dreams.
Be you teenage dream, 

The song ends, with Ray laughing. He turn around and gives him a questioning look. 

"Gerard, you just totally shook your ass to that song!" Ray says in-between giggles. Mikey is laughing into his book, and Frank and Bob are also giggling while still focused on their game. 

Gerard blushes like a tomato then replays it over in his head that yeah, he did just shake his ass to the beat of a Katy Perry song. He begins to laugh and hides his face in his hands. 

"We speak of this to nobody!" Gerard shouts after the laughter has died down. He then runs out of the room muttering something about Ray And his fro telling him lies.


Those are random drabbles, cause well, I don't know...those have all happened to me. Yeah, don't ask about the hot dogs either. It happened in my Sex Ed class. Needless to say it was before lunch and nobody had a hot dog that day. 

Yeah :3 

Abby xxxx
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