Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

editing Ferard fic list.

by OhmyGee 2 reviews

Read the title.I need help, this is my Ferard fic list.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [V] [X] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2012-08-23 - Updated: 2012-08-24 - 478 words - Complete

Hello there!
I gotta proposition for you. I suck at writing. It's because I don't own a computer, so I type on my phone. Therefore, I have huge mistakes.

I'm looking for editors. Someone who would edit my story before I upload it. Once uploaded, you will be highly credited. Meaning, I will put a link to your profile on the story.
Also, maybe just feedback?
I need six editors. One for each story. A few are chaptered, some aren't.

Well, here's what I have. By the way, they are ask Ferards.


Greasy black ugly white.
-1950's gangs. Frank, a former Socs. (prep) Gerard, is the leader of the greasers gang. He saves Frank from being beat, violated, and maybe killed. They, of course fall in love but, it's Franks turn to save Gerard. That takes a wrong turn. Maybe death, or prison, heart break.
Violence, sexual situations, unwanted sexual violence, -rape (?)

Falling down a tunnel of glory
-Frank is a rich CEO of the 'bank of America' he's not happy. When the ghost come to visit him, could change his life forever. Or he turns to be the next OJ Simpson. -1930's- sexual situations, spoilers
already half is up

Life on a torture scene
-Gerard is a psychopath murderer. He catches his victims, and tortures them until death. What happens when Frank is his next victim?
rape, violence, gore, spoilers
medieval torture method. Gore, lot of it. If you can't handle gore and blood then, no.

Extremely long fluff/stories

-Frank works as security at The Rave. A concert stadium. When the new guy comes aboard(Gerard), does Frank trust him? He likes him at first, but grows to hate him.then love him. So much that-
Sexual situations, violence, fluff, major character death
still working on the title
20-30k word count

Coming home
-Frank is a homeless seven year old, who's probably dying, in winter. The tall mysterious man who saves him from beatings, and wider-decides to take him in, during Christmas time while his pet unicorn gets destroyed. Gerard buys him a puppy.Frank grows up but still can't figure out Gerards age, or call profession. That is the weirdest mystery yet.
violence, crying children, sexual situations, fluff
this one is the saddest I've ever written. My friend and mother cryed. It's also my favorite
10-20k word count

Synthetically black
-what if Hitler succeeded in life? The inferior are slave or killed. Gerard being the superior, Frank being the inferior. They fall in love and fight for democracy.
Religion, violence, alternate universe
I do believe in equal rights. I haven't written this one yet.

Whatever, um, comment if your interested. If you want me to offer more, than name your price.

Also, if you want to see what direction in headed in, than go read my stories. Thank you.
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