Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > AUDITIONS! Inquire within.
AUDITIONS! Inquire within.
(#) CyanideSuicide 2012-08-27
Dang it I didn't make it but yanno I'll still read itAuthor's response
DANG IT! No you DID make it! The rest of the chapter thingy was cut off!AUDITIONS! Inquire within.
(#) CyanideSuicide 2012-08-27
Oh ok I hate when it does that.Author's response
Me too! XD
So, include your 6 songs! Any 6. 3 will be your main 3, if I know those 3, they'll be included, and your 3 backups!AUDITIONS! Inquire within.
(#) mynerdyromance 2012-08-27
Damn, I just got finish typing my audition. Oh well, I like the idea, so I'll still read it.Author's response
There's room for ONE more, so I guess you're in! :DAUDITIONS! Inquire within.
(#) mynerdyromance 2012-08-27
First, thank you for deciding to let me in! ;)
Second, here's my song list.
1. Just a Girl by No Doubt
2. Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
3. Technically it's not rock, but I'd love to sing Fuck You by Lily Allen, 'cause it would be a really cool song to sing to the government people or something. (That's my first choice for a song, actually.)
1. Creep by Radiohead
2. I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy
3. Uprising by Muse.
Hope these work for you!
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