Categories > Original > Romance > Stashley

Chapter 5

by OliviaSyren 0 reviews

Stef spills his story...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-08-29 - Updated: 2012-09-06 - 667 words - Complete

Stef jumped in surprise.
“Hello cutie pie.” One of the girls said.
“Hi.” Stef said simply.
“I’m Alex. That’s Tasha and that’s Tyra.” She said, pointing at them as she said their name.
“Nice to meet you.” Stefan looked at their backcombed hair and noticed their shorts were, well, very short, their boobs were practically hanging out of their shirts. One of the girls, Tyra, leant on the counter and asked the bartender to get three beers. Stef creased his brow. “How old are you lot?” he asked.
“Fourteen.” Tasha said, pouting her lips. Stef’s mouth dropped.
“And you’re drinking?!” He raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah.” Alex said. “Alan doesn’t mind, do you Alan?” The bartender shook his head and brought over their drinks. Alex handed him money for the beers. “Thanks hun.” She said to him, smiling.
‘Oh god, what do I do now?’ Stefan thought to himself.
“So…” Tasha started. “You’re in that band aren’t ya…Stefan?” She asked. Stefan nodded slowly.
“What of it?” Stef replied.
“Oh nothing.” Tasha said. “I was just saying.” She took a beer from Alex and took a large gulp of it, the other two copied. They placed their drinks on the counter when the woman who was two seats away spoke. “Girls. I suggest you leave the boy alone.” Her voice was kind and soft.
The girls scoffed and walked away with their drinks.
“T-Thanks…” Stefan said to the woman. She chuckled.
“No problem.” She said smiling. The whole time she had kept her head and eyes facing the exact same direction. Stefan wondered if she was blind. “Girls like that need to learn some valuable lessons.” She continued. Stef moved down two seats to sit beside her. “I agree.” Stef said.
“What brings you to our town?” The woman said. Stefan hesitated.
“I…Uh…I needed to get away from things at home, you know, think things over.” He said quietly.
“Ahh, I’ve been there.” The woman said. “Young love.” She sighed.
Stef chuckled. “You’re right there.”
“Anything you’d like to talk about?” She asked.
“N-Not particularly.” He said, taking a sip of his drink.
“No romantic story for a blind woman?” She chuckled lightly. ‘Might as well.’ Stef thought.
“Okay. I’ll tell you.”
The woman smiled.
“Well...It all started years ago…I was in a different band and we were doing a small gig in Cardiff. I hadn’t seen him for years and then one day we suddenly bumb into each other where he was filming for a small part in Doctor Who. He invited me over to the set to watch the filming; I met David Tennant and all of the other actors in the episode. And I invited him to the gig, letting him meet Dru and the other band members. After that day, we promised to keep in touch. We had so much in common and what did we know we’d be best friends? But then he got a girlfriend. I didn’t know why I was burning with jealousy; I hated her, solely for being Ash’s girlfriend. I eventually came to my senses and realised I loved him. But I didn’t have the guts to tell him. They broke up and I had decided that I’d definitely tell him. That’s when he met Roxanne; he told Dru and me that there’s nothing going on between them. I believed him until a came home from LA when I walked into our flat to find them cuddling up together on the couch…” Stef sighed. “And…I ran.” He looked at the woman.
“Do you want my advice?” The woman asked.
“Yes. Please.” Stef sounded desperate. He was. He had no idea what to do.
“Tell him.” But it wasn’t the woman who spoke. The voice came from the entrance of the bar. Stef turned around and felt his stomach turn. Ash had heard everything.
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