Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > An Audition...

An Audition...

by littleshadow 20 reviews

For a Bandit fic loosely based on a novel I read a while ago. Have a look, maybe?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-08-29 - Updated: 2012-08-29 - 324 words

Hey guys!
So, um, yeah. This is an audition
Well, no shit, Sherlock!
for a story loosely based off of the wonderful book Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway. If you're familiar with the book, then you can skip this part if you like. It's just a summary of the plot, basically.
It's about this teenage girl (Who will be Bandit in the fic.) who breaks up with her boyfriend. Said boyfriend happens to be in a band, and he decides to write a really nasty break up song about Bandit, which conveniently has her name in it. The song lands his band a record deal and goes to the top of the charts, making Bandit an overnight celebrity. It's not long before she's getting chased by the paparazzi, people are asking for her autograph, and making fansites for her. But fame isn't as fun as it looks to be. Bandit finds that she can no longer live a normal life and has to deal with the consequences of being famous.

The parts needed are;
Bandit's ex
Bandit's best friend
The best friend's boyfriend
Main love interest (Can be a guy or a girl, I don't care.)
An annoying, but well meaning girl who looks up to Bandit
The leader singer of a band that Bandit likes (This character is going to be a mega douchebag, just sayin'.)
A really bitchy girl

I feel like I'm forgetting a part, but that's probably just me. Anyway, here's the form thingy.
Age (I'd like the characters to be around 16 or 17, please.):
Appearance is split for detail.
Hair color and style:
Anything else regarding appearance:
How do you feel about the song?:
Any ideas for band names (I need a ton of them for the story.)?:
Any other info:

That's all there is, I think. Thanks for reading this, and I'll put the results up on Friday, maybe sooner.
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