Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I wont see you tonight

I wont see you tonight

by AgentLithium 1 review

This is an A7X story i just put it in the MCR one because there isn't one for a7x

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-08-29 - Updated: 2012-08-29 - 702 words


I'm Maeve Carley Sanders, I'm fifteen and I'm the younger sister of the Avenged Sevenfold lead singer, M Shadows. Our dad left us when I was three and Matt was thirteen. Matt was always a father figure for me until he left, mum got re married soon after.


Maeve's POV.

I can still remember the day I met Zacky, he was the only friend of Matt's that was nice to me.

“Mae, come 'ere a minute please” Matt shouted from the garage.

I groaned and walked into the garage. I looked up and saw Matt and another boy sat playing mario on the gamecube.

“This is Zacky, Zacky meet Maeve” Matt smiled and ran his fingers through his spiked up black hair.

“Hi” Zacky smiled , he gave me a hug and went back to playing with Matt.

End flashback

Now, six years later he's the man I am in love with. I can't tell him that, he only sees me as a little sister nothing more, even if he had the same feelings as me, Matt would kill us.

“Maeve” I heard my 'Step Dad' scream from downstairs, his voice made me cower, I immediately walk downstairs and stand in front of him.

“Yeah?” I ask, hoping he wont hurt me again.

“Your brother and his friends are coming today, if you tell them anything you and your brother are dead; understood?” He spits.

I gulp and nod. “Yes” I quickly run upstairs, I could feel myself getting happier. I throw on a long sleeved top to cover the cuts and bruises just as I hear a voice downstairs.

“Well, where's my sister then?!” Matt laughs, I sprint down the stairs and jump onto Matt, wrapping my legs around his torso.

“Matt!!!!!!” I squeal as he gives me a hug, I jump down and Matt walks through into the kitchen. As the other guys walked in Brian was the first to greet me.

“Why hello there my dear Maeve” Brian laughed.

“Hello there my dear Brian” I giggled and hugged him.

Johnny walked in next, we didn't get on very well so we just smiled at each other. I looked behind me and wondered where Zacky was when he suddenly came and hugged me from behind, I smiled and turned around and hugged him back.

“I missed you Mae” He smiled.

“I missed you too Zack" I said as Matt interrupted us.

“Who wants to go swimming” he smiled, everyone replied with a yes.

“I'll just sit by the edge” I said, walking outside. I pulled a chair up to the edge as the boys jumped in.

Matt swam up to the edge and asked “Hows Jamie been treating you then?”

“Nicely, He's a good guy” I lied confidently.

“Good” Matt replied, Jimmy crept up to Matt and splashed him, he turned around and chuckled “Oh its on now Sullivan!” suddenly I felt some arms picking me up and they threw me into the pool, I flailed around and tried to scream. Bad idea, water filled my lungs. I felt some strong arms grasp me just as I thought i'd drown. My saviour brought me to the ledge and sat me down, I heard Matt shouting and looked over at him with Jamie, he must have been the person who threw me in. I turned back to find that Zacky was the person that saved me. He looked at me carefully and asked worriedly,

“Are you okay M?”

“Yeah, just a bit dizzy” I rubbed my head.

“Its probably from all of that water you swallowed, why don't you take that top off. Do you have a tank top underneath it?” He asked.

I nodded and try taking the top off, but I was too weak. Zacky noticed and helped me take it off.

“Thank you” I mumbled.

“You're we-” He stopped mid sentence and I saw him looking at my arms. Shit. I grabbed my shirt to try and cover them up but Zacky tossed the shirt away. “Matt! You might want to get over here” Zacky shouted.

Matt jogged over and Zacky showed him my arms. He seemed even more angry now. “Who the fuck did this Maeve?”
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