Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > AUDITIONS!!! :D


by atomickilljoy 17 reviews

More Auditions! :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-09-01 - Updated: 2012-09-02 - 219 words - Complete

Ok, the ratings was added to 'sex'...just for giggles. XD
My story that is called 'Let's Change The World' is a written rock opera kind of thing(like American Idiot The Musical, just different plot,setting, characters, and it's on the Internet for people to READ)
It's about people who love rock music banning together to protest in anyway they can when rock music is banned in America(only in 'Murica XD)
I'm getting up to a protest scene and I need protesters! No romantic story lines, sadly, but you can make up a boyfriend or something, and I'LL SEE if I can write him in.
The most important role that the protesters will play is a 'Hello', curses at the government, maybe some mingling and some questions, and a 'Goodbye'
Here's the form:

What state do you want to be from:
Anything Else:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend(If so, who? I'll try my best to write them in):

ALSO, My Chem and Panic! is taken, so if you want anyone else like someone from BVB, A7X(I don't listen to them, but I have read some fics with them as characters, and appealing plots so I know the members) or anyone else, go ahead and mention them. So, THANKS!
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