Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Legion of Light Story One: The House on Butler


by 9fingersannoyedwife 0 reviews

One day you're a normal teenager moving to a new town and your biggest worry is wither or not your twin brother's delinquent behavior will make you an outcast in your new home. The next you discove...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-09-03 - Updated: 2012-09-03 - 140 words

It's funny what a difference a few days can make. It's interesting how much moving to a new town can change your fate. If my family had stayed in Chicago the events of that year would probably have never happened.

I never thought that moving to my father's hometown would change the path my once messy life was
on. I never thought I would have a purpose in life. I never really wanted true friends and I didn't believe in true love. I didn't know that a mystery my father lived would become my own. I never thought a lot of things.

I found friends, love, truth, and a purpose in my sixteenth year of life. I also found terror and sorrow. What follows is my story and like with all good stories we need to start at the beginning...
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