Categories > Original > Fantasy > Life of Lone Sha

Life of Lone Sha

by xxlunashaxx 0 reviews

After the murder of Sha's pack when she was a young pup, how will she survive on her own? As, a lone?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-09-04 - Updated: 2012-09-04 - 675 words

I shivered as the cold bit into me. My small body huddled in a ball.

My fur pasted into my skin from the snow falling outside my small cave.

I was so scared as I recalled what had happened only a moment ago. Moma sniffing the air and growling. Papa telling me to hide here, and to stay strong.

I had dug my baby claws into the ground and demanded what was going on. I was a very inquisitive pup and always wanted an explanation.

But, They only nuzzled me and blinked back tears as Elder Coal dragged me here, not telling me where my siblings were and why they were'nt with me. I shook the thought from my head and curled up, trying to get warm. I was told not to leave this cave, and no pup was to directly disobey an Elder, no matter what. But I hated orders, I never listened.

But, somehow, this time was different. I knew if I disobeyed the consequences would be extreme.

I was the youngest pup in Shadow Claw, my siblings all at least a year older than me.

My mama and papa were the leaders, I guess, They told all my pack what to do and the pack listened.

Well, that's what Luna told me. Luna was my cousin and she was like a sister to me. She always looked after me when my parents were busy. I wondered where she was now. I closed my eyes, tired from my lack of sleep last night and drifted into a dreamless sleep.


I stood in the pack territory. But, It was drowned in blood. Bodies of fallen wolves piled around each.other. Pain set deep within their corpses. I whimpered and stepped back.

I turned and saw a wolf grinning at me maliciously. I was terrified.

The wolf grabbed me and whispered in my ear,

"Not all nightmares end when you wake up"

I awoke to the sounds of snarling and yelps of pain filling my perked ears. I whimpered in fear.

Did I just have a vision.

I shook it off. No way. I was just a common grey wolf. We had heard legends about wolves that could turn into people but I didnt believe them. It was completly fake!

I growled softly. I would find out what was going on.

I rushed out of the cave barking when I saw the sight that scarred me for life.

The pack, my pack, was fighting hunters,

And we were losing.

I looked at the bodies scattered across the snow, their blood painting a picture of grotesque horror on my home. The dead wolves had either their lips pulled back in a snarl or a look of fear set deep within their eyes.

I remembered the dream and whimpered. Mehh This was creepy!!

I blinked back tears as I saw the wolves that had been my family lying dead around me.

But my tears suddenly poured as I yelped and rushed to the body of my sister, a gaping wound set deep within her ribs, covering her in blood.

I nuzzled her neck, hoping to wake her from a slumber. We would run from this place, look after each other.

But, she did not wake up.

I howled there and then, Pain filling my heart, never to desert me. I lay beside her, sniffling and crying, for what seemed like an age. Until, I heard a soft whimper above me.

My moma was looking down at me sadly as I cried. She nuzzled me softly and picked me up.

I struggled to return to my sister, but she walked away. I slumped in her grasp and went silent. Her pawsteps were comforting, knowing she was here.

Crunch. Crunch.Crunch. Cru-Snap.

Moma stopped, her ears perking up. I heard the growl from the back of her throat as she put me down softly and turned to face her foe.

I looked up, thinking a hunter had not been killed here, but I was wrong.

It was Luna.
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