Categories > Original > Horror > The LaLaurie House

It Begins

by phantomcrows 0 reviews

(see first chapter)

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-07-13 - Updated: 2006-07-14 - 822 words

After unpacking my things into my dresser, I flopped onto the bed nearest to the window and closed my eyes. Jason sat on the other bed, and I could feel him watching me.
"Are you sure you're okay? You look paler than normal...Which is saying a lot." He chuckled.
"Stop worrying. I'm fine. I'll feel better after I get some sleep."
"Half hour 'til we have to meet downstairs."
"I know."
I could hear someone running by in the hallway outside, then a door slamming.
"Let's see what the other guys are up to," I suggested. For some reason I was feeling edgy. I grabbed a black, zip-up, sweatshirt before we went out. Despite the summer heat, it was freezing in this place! We were just stepping out when, suddenly, a loud whip-like crack and a hoarse shout of pain pierced the air. It sounded like it came from Chris and Joshua's room. Jason and I ran the few feet to their door, then flung it open, not knowing what to expect. A gust of air rushed past us, giving me goose bumps.
"What's going on in here?" Jason demanded. Chris was lying on his bed with his hands behind his head, and Joshua was putting away the last of his socks in a dresser drawer.
"What? We're not late, are we?" Chris checked his watch, then looked at us, confused. Joshua just stared at us. He rarely ever spoke, anyway.
"We heard... a noise..." I explained lamely.
"I didn't hear anything." Chris was now looking at us like we were crazy.
"Come on. If you didn't make it, then you must have at least heard..." All of a sudden, loud banging sounds erupted above us. All four of us jumped as a fine layer of dust drifted down from the rafters and settled over everything.
"Must be the girls. What are they doing, rearranging the furniture?" We all laughed.
"Come on, you guys," Jason ruffled Chris's hair and a cloud of dust erupted into the air around his head, "Lets go downstairs."
Doubts concerning our sanity flew from our minds as we trooped down the stairs, intent on giving the girls a good verbal lashing for their antics. Our plans were dashed, however, when we arrived in the foyer to see all of the girls , along with Andy, lounging on the couches, laughing. Ashley and Jill burst into a fit of laughter when they say our dusty forms.
"What happened to you?" Jill managed to choke out.
"You. What were you doing up there? You knocked all the dust out of the rafters, and all over Chris's room!" I was irritated, to say the least.
"What are you talking about?" The laughter ceased abruptly, replaced with looks of righteous indignation.
"It sounded like a herd of elephants up there! Were you moving stuff around, or what?" Jason chimed in.
"Us? Uh, no. We just set our bags down, and fixed our make up, and fixed our hair, and... Anyway, our rooms are in a totally separate wing of the building than yours, so don't look at us!" Ashley flipped her hair, snapped her gum, and gave us one of her superior, triumphant, looks that clearly stated 'you lose.'
"What's going on?" Andy finally entered the discussion.
"The boys, here, seem to think..." Jill started.
"Who's on the floor above us?" I interrupted.
"Well... I don't think anyone has those... No, it's just the attic and a bunch of storage rooms. Why?"
"Never mind."
I was so confused! I knew I heard something up there! Both Chris and Jason looked worried. Joshua looked uninterested, and unbothered by the thick layer of dust that coated his head and shoulders.
"A rat?" Chris whispered hopefully.
"Maybe," we agreed, though we all knew the noises were too loud for any animal to produce. Also, what about the shouting Jason and I had heard earlier?
"Alright, everyone," Andy called the meeting to order, "let's get this over with so we can all get to bed. I know you're all excited about being in the 'Big Easy,' but don't forget that we're here to work. We will be cleaning and organizing the Lafayette Public Library, which was damaged by the floodwaters. We've got a bright and early start tomorrow, so go get some rest."
That night, my sleep was frequently interrupted by bumps, bangs, wails, and moans from the floor above. Once, during a period of fitful sleep, I dreamt that there was someone else in the room with Jason and me. He was a large, dark man, standing in the corner by the desk. He was dressed in rags, had chains on his wrists, and had severe wounds all over the exposed skin of his body. I even imagined that I could see the glisten of wet blood dripping from open sores on his arms and chest. When I looked twice, however, he was gone.
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