Categories > Original > Drama > Element: Rebirth

Element: Rebirth

by Obscurity 0 reviews

Here is the first chapter to my orginial story, Element. The three characters that appear for this short chapter are the three this story will be mostly centering one, including another few that co...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2006-07-13 - Updated: 2006-07-14 - 1089 words

He wasn't sure when it had started to happen, but he felt it again...that voice, crawling at the back of his mind. How often had he had that dream..? A woman, burning to her death..another falling to her own by illness, he wasn't sure which one he hated more. Of course, the woman dying more peacefully, she always asked for help before she passed, surrounded by people who felt..formiliar. Save me, she yell to him, the same voice pulling him back into his head, pushing to get outside, like a parasite finally tired of the body it had buried into..but, it never hurt. It often felt..good, to feel that voice once more. He often welcomed the dreams to take him over, feeling more real in them than he was outside, with his friends and family. Of course..that's what the voice always told him. But..was it the voice of the woman that wanted to live..or the one who welcomed her death?

It didn't matter. He drowned it out like everything else.


'Something wasn't right..' A boy, or rather, a young man stretched at the back of his neck, as if chasing away some omen making its home in his conscience. His onyx black eyes scanned the area, bushing yet another dark hair behide his ear as the wind rustled by his face and the tree perched near him as he sat on top of that high wall. The same wall he had told his friend to meet him. A hour ago. Feeling yet another sigh pass though his lips, he drew his gaze down, shouting to another, who opted to stay on the ground.

"See him, John?" He called, more loudly than he should of, considering the other with him had removed his headphones about 5 minutes pior, wincing as he received a quizzical look. "Sorry.. thought you were losing your hearing again." He grinned sheepishly, trying to explain his raised voice.

"Smart coming from the guy who plays right next to the speaker." John responded, his British accent sticking out as much as his looks, having enough piercing in his face to make every metal detector in a 5 mile radius go off, "And as for your lover, nothing.. I keep telling you to keep that boy on a leash, Matsuro." John pushed his short bleached blond hair from his face, the under layer of brown hair falling over his shoulders and back. The other boy winced, from both the use of his full name and the reference of "lover". He grabbed one of the longer branches of the tree and pulled himself off his perch, coming around to stand by John, being a good inch or two shorter than the other.

"He's..not my lover, John." Matsuro, or rather, Mata, growled, pushing his hair behide his ear once again, "There's nothing going on between Hisaki and I." His eyes scanned the area again, searching for the same boy they were speaking of, but still found nothing. A hour and..ten minutes late. He made sure to keep a note of that for later.

"Oh, bullshit." John swore at him, slipping a cigarette from his pack and placed it between his lips, lighting it a moment later, "You and that kid are hot for each other, but you're too chickenshit to admit it." He gestured his pack to the other with a grin. "Fag?"

"No thanks." He grumbled, finding no humor in his friend's joke.

"Sorry, I forgot, you already have one." John nodded his head to one direction before taking a long drag, exhaling in ecstasy before looking at his cellphone, "Oh, and hour and fifteen minutes late." He grinned once again. Mata turned his head to the direction his friend had gestured and sure enough, a young man was heading in their direction, looking somewhere in-between flustered and angry. It matched his emotions to the point. Taking a few steps forward, he headed over to his late friend, starting the same speech he had given many times in the past.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Mata stopped just as the other had, taking in his friends state. His naturally blond hair was falling over his eyes and neck as usual, his large blue eyes looking up at him, as he stood several inches above Hisaki's height. But it was the stud, right underneath his lip that struck him silent. It hadn't been there before, "What the hell is that..?"

Hisaki blinked his eyes innocently, removing the headphones from his ears as he shrugged the guitar onto his back again. "Huh?" He hadn't heard a word Mata had said to him. Mata opened his mouth to ask him the question once more, but was stopped short when John came over, letting out his trademark rough squeal, petting the piercing on Hisaki's face.

"Oh, love, it's stunning." John gave the other a toothy grin before turning to Mata, raising Hisaki's chin to show the other better, "What do you think, Matsuro? What a lovely piercing you lover has gotten, no?"

"He's not my lover!" A blush came across Mata's face.

"He's not my lover.." Hisaki gave John a confused look, his voice rasping from trying to get over to their meeting place in less time. His eyes turned to Mata, emotion written easily in its blue depths, "Sorry I'm so this done, then the old man gave me shit again.." One hand reached out, gripping Mata's more calloused one, rubbing softly at it. "Forgive me..Leader-san?" Mata shivered, enjoying the feel of his warm hand compared to the cool touch of the jewelry studding his fingers.

"Its okay.." He smiled softly, reaching his other hand out to pet along Hisaki's hair briefly, almost lovingly before drawing back from him completely, picking his own guitar case up from the ground beside the wall, looking back at them, "We're late for a gig and you know how my older sister hates us being late."

"Sounds like it runs in the family." John grinned to Hisaki before ruffling his hair, "Come on, we can't play without our singer."

Hisaki nodded, following other two, a slight wince in his step. He hoped his friends hadn't noticed, considering Mata had forgotten his note of Hisaki being..a hour and fifteen minutes late. He only hoped he would continue to forget, so he wouldn't have to explain the real reason he was late. After all, Mata had also forgotten Hisaki still attended high school.
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