Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

The next day, I went to Gerard's house and waited with Jasmine until Ray's wife Mazy showed up in her car to give us all a lift up town. Tris, Mikey's girlfried, was already in the car "Hey, I'm Mazy!" Mazy grinned, when I got into the car "And you're Penina right? Frank's new girlfriend?" I nodded.

"I'm Tris." Tris smiled at me. She was tall and willowy with dark ginger curls and grass green eyes. She had a long sleeved cardigan on and she kept pulling her sleeves over her hands. "Oh my god, guys, I have something to tell you when I get up town!" She grinned, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear "It's really important and amazing and-"

"Well shut up about it if you can't tell us yet." Jasmine laughed "Anyway, Penina wanted to talk to us because she's having a bit of trouble with Miranda."

Mazy laughed "That's no surprise. Can you remember what she was like with Shayla?" Mazy shuddered "Then again, I remember when Tris got with Mikey and Miranda kept yelling at her to get out of their lives."

"Miranda's just afraid of change." Tris shrugged her shoulders "She doesn't particularly like me but whatever."

"She doesn't like Ryan that much either." Jasmine told me "Tris' son and Mikey's step-son but she likes Schuyler, Mikey's daughter and Tris' step-daughter."

"How do I get her to see that I want to be her friend?" I asked with a sigh.

"Oh she'll never see that." Tris replied "Like I said, she's afraid of change. Especially when it comes to her Dad. He wanted them to move house and Miranda chained herself to the drain pipe so in the end, Frank gave in and agreed they could stay."

I ran my fingers through my hair "But I really like Frank and I know just how much he loves his daughter. He'll probably always put her before me. If she doesn't like me then Frank will probably leave me." I groaned "That sounds so selfish of me."

"Don't worry about it." Mazy said "I'm sure Miranda will get used to you soon."

"I really hope so."

"Here we are." Mazy grinned, parking the car. We all got out the car "Let's go!"

We all went inside and then Jasmine slapped Tris' arm "Come on! What did you wanna tell us?"

Tris made us wait until we all got to Starbucks and we'd ordered a coffee. The four of us sat in a booth and Tris smiled at us all, then pulled back her sleeves and waved her left hand at us. There was an engagement ring on her finger! "Mikey proposed to you?" Jasmine grinned "Wow! That's amazing!"

"I know!" Tris grinned "I can't wait! I'm so excited!"

"Have you got a date set?" I asked, trying hard not to make it sound bitter. Honestly, I was jealous. When I'd first met Frank, I'd known he was the one for me. But now what with Miranda, it didn't look like we were going to get married any time soon.

"Not yet, we're going to talk about it with the kids first and see what they think." Tris smiled, suddenly in a daydream "Schuyler can be a bridesmaid and Mikey wants Gerard to be the best man."

"I'm sure Gerard would love that." Jasmine grinned.

"Do you think Rose, Sara and Miranda would like to be bridesmaids as well?" Tris asked with a grin "I mean, they're family as well."

"I know Rose would love to."

"... And Sara."

"Do you think Miranda would?" I wondered outloud "I don't really know that much about her."

Tris sighed "She doesn't like me that much. But maybe if her Dad talked to her about it?"

"That won't happen anytime soon." Jasmine snorted.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Frank pretty much gives into Miranda all the time." Jasmine replied "Like when she kept kicking off about Shayla, we told him he should talk to her but he said he didn't want to upset her."

"Maybe you could get Frank to talk to her?" Mazy suggested "I think Frank really likes you, he'll most likely listen to you instead of any of us."

"Didn't Gerard or someone try talking to him about it?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah, Gerard did. And Ray and Mikey. Frank didn't listen." Jasmine shrugged her shoulders "I sympathise for him though. I give in to Rose all the time. Like yesterday, she begged me to buy her a new LostAlone CD and I kept saying no but then she started crying and I felt so bad that I brought it and then straightaway she stopped crying and smiled. She had only been fake crying!"

"Well not as much as Frank gives into Miranda." Tris sighed "She called me a bitch and kicked me hard on the knee. When Frank asked her to apologise, she said she didn't want to because I deserved it and Frank apologised for her." Tris rolled her eyes.

"He must feel really bad though." Mazy said "Bryn just randomly walked out on them like compeltely out of the blue and didn't even say why. I think it was because she had another man but she keeps swearing she doesn't. And Miranda keeps insisting she doesn't but I think that's bullshit."

"Could you imagine just walking out on your kid like that?" Tris asked "If she didn't want to be a Mom then why did she give birth?"

"In Bryn's defence, I'm pretty sure she suggested an abortion actually." Jasmine twisted a strand of her hair round her finger "But Frank begged her to keep the baby."

"Poor Miranda." I felt pretty bad now that I knew what Miranda had really been through "Do you think it'd help if I talked to her about it?"

"Nope." Mazy shook her head "Get Frank to talk to her about it. That is probably the only way."

"Alright." I nodded "I'll talk to him about it tonight."
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