Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Where's My Wonderland?

Leaving What's Real Behind.

by Detonating_Bunny 1 review

“OUT! NOW!” She yelled.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-09-12 - Updated: 2012-09-13 - 1285 words

A/N: in which Silver_Electric finally writes algo cx hehe just kidding c: well hope you enjoy this. cx

Chapter Three

“Dude..?” A strange person’s voice cut through my thoughts.

“Huh? What?” I asked stupidly.

“You've been completely zoned out for like 10 minutes. You were talking to the oh so lovely Brandon here and you just... zoned out. You okay?”

I don’t even know who i'm talking to. I guess i'm that lost in my world that my eyes still haven't chosen to change the scenery of my perfect world.

“Who are you again?” I asked

“...Ivan. You know the guy you sit next to from now on...” he, Ivan, answered.

“Ohhh. Right.” I said, pretending to remember, cause truly i didn’t.

“I’ll ask you again... You okay?” He asked, once more.

“Yeah... my head just kinda hurts. thats all.” I said, making up an excuse, already, I didn't expect to start doing that on the first day.

“Of course...” he said, not looking convinced.

“Yeah,” I mumbled messing with the sleeves of my way too big Smashing Pumpkin hoodie.

“Dude what happened! You completely zoned out!” Brandon said without looking at me.

“Sorry...” I said, though i didn’t quite mean it.

I reached into my pocket to look for my ipod. I need to hear music. Like right now.

You already look like a freak.

I know that so shut up and return to your twisted little world where everyone accepts you and eats poop!

Hey hey hey! they do not eat poop. They eat chocolate! Eating poop would just be gross.

Okay fine let me rewind and take back the thing about your twisted little world where everyone accepts you and eats poop oh wait i can't i already said it. Too bad.




How am I a slut but YOU aren’t. Wait. How am i a slut? How are WE sluts?

I don't know so just shut up and lets continue this fabulous argument shall we?

No shut up and let me enjoy my music!

You left your ipod at home stupid.

“Fuck!” I yelled randomly.

Brandon and Ivan exchange confused looks.

“Dude. Dude. You're weird... In a nice way.” Ivan says.

“Oh thank you that is SUCH a good compliment.” I roll my eyes.

“Ivan dont judge the poor guy.” Brandon says, joining the conversation.

“Hey! I'm not judging...I'm stating the obvious.” Ivan, replies.

“oh! like that's any better!” Brandon, shouts.

“Brandon! Shut up! Your just jealous i got to sit next to him!” Ivan, says, jealous? Jealous of what? sitting next to a weirdo.

“You stupid retard i’m not jealous!” responds Brandon, thought so.

“Ivan! Brandon! Frank! Please be quiet and pay attention!” Ms, what was her name? uhh whatever.

“Nice going dickhead you got me in trouble.” Brandon whispers over his shoulder.

“It was your fault!” Ivan, says well screams, with a matter of a fact tone.

“How was it MY fault?” Brandon yells.

“It just was okay!” Ivan yells back as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I feel really awkward right now.

Why exactly?

Because they're just fighting.

And...? they don't bring YOU into the conversation.



Its not a conversation. Its an argument.

Don't get all smart with me!

“IVAN! BRANDON! FRANK! Step outside!”

“Stupid! You even got the new kid in trouble!” Ivan yells, not looking at Brandon or at me just waving his arms in the air dramatically.

“OUT! NOW!” She yelled.

All three of us get up hesitantly and make our way out into the hall.

“Your stupid. You know that Ivan?”

“Why am i-”

“Do you guys ever shut up?” I ask oh so politely.

“Woah Woah Woah. Don’t be rude dude. Hey! rude dude! that rhymes!”

“Cause this is the perfect time to be thinking about rhymes right Brandon?”

“Hey! Its ALWAYS a perfect time to be thinking about rhymes!”

“See this is what i'm talking about! even after you guys get in trouble you continue talkity talkity talk talk!” I yell at them because quite frankly (hah i used my own name) Im pissed off. Not only did these guys get me in trouble but they called me weird and thats just plain disrespectful.

“Hey! You're okay!” a different voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see the same guy from the nurses office.

“uhhh Yeah..?”

“Whos this? You have a friend Frank? You have a friend- We- your only two best friends, don't know about?” Brandon says dramatically.

“Oh shut up you’re not my best friends.”

“That hurt Frank! That hurt!” Ivan says putting his hand over his heart like it really did hurt.

I roll my eyes and turn back to face, uhm what was his name? Right, I never found out.

“See, if he was my friend... i would know his name-” I say.

“Gerard!” he cuts in waving like a maniac.

“Well, Gerard, you should go away,” says Brandon. “I mean, well for your own good, teacher’s gonna come out soon, you don’t want to get caught now do you?” Brandon continued, I could sense a bit of rudeness.

Whatever feeling i had towards him,i thought he was cool or nice, is kind of gone by now. He just seems kinda... annoying and overly... protective? of someone he just met?

“Lucky for you i don't mind getting in trouble from time to time.” Gerard? yeah, Gerard said stepping closer and crossing his arms as he did so.

“Oh really?” Brandon said taking a step closer as well.

“Really.” Gerard confirmed with a smirk on his face.

“Gerard Arthur Way? What are you doing here? Go to class!” Our teacher, whatever her name might be, yelled from the door.

“Yeah Gerard! Go to class!” Brandon yelled looking directly into his eyes, smiling from ear to ear.

“Brandon calm down.” Ivan said pulling Brandon back.

“Whatever.” Gerard laughed turning back to face me. “Well glad your okay. Next time, watch where you're going.” He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder then walked away.

Each one of them looked at me confused. Great now i have to explain how im so stupid and clumsy that i bumped into him and hit my head extremely hard and blacked out. Awesome. Thanks so much dude.

“Care to explain what that was about?” I ask Brandon who seems to be staring profoundly at Gerards silhouette disappear the farther he goes.

He looks at me then back at Gerard. “Nothing.” and with that he turns around and skips, thats right skips, to the teacher.

Ivan chokes back his laughter and motions me to lean close to him so he can tell me something.

I do as he says and find myself in a very uncomfortable position.

“Pretty sure Brandon has a, um shall we say thing for you.” he whispers in my ear. His breathe feeling incredibly weird on my neck.

“Oh,” is my response to that.

Ivan, again, chokes back laughter.

“Brandon looks stupid skipping doesn’t he?”

“Yup!” I yell moving slowly towards the door where our teacher is.

“Ivan! Frank! Please come here this instant!” our teacher once again yells.

“Coming mom!” Ivan rolls his eyes.

“Dude, did you just call her mom?” Brandon laughs.

“Its a joke stupid!” Ivan yells back.

“Oh well Sorry i didn't find it funny!”

“Ivan, Brandon, please stop arguing for gods sake, You are interrupting the class. Next time either one of you, that includes you Frank, speaks out of turn i will be forced to give you detention.”

Awesome first day of school, already threatened to get detention. Just. fucking. awesome.
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