Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

[A/N] - Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I nearly lost my laptop and plus my BFO didn't leave until 11.30PM :L Enjoy! And keep reviewing, it makes me so happy to read your reviews :D

"Just forget about her Sara, she's just in a bad mood because her Mom didn't show up." Ashley said, getting up and hugging me. I smiled at him in response. He understood and smiled at me.

"Can you really blame her though?" Rose asked, sticking up for her, as usual "I wouldn't be too happy if my Mom never showed up to take me out to places that she kept promising to take me."

"It doesn't give Miranda the right to be a bitch to everyone though." Ashley muttered.

"I don't understand Bryn." Schuyler sighed "When I have a daughter I'm not going to ditch her and come on, let's face it, Frank is really hot-"

"Schuyler, we've told you, it's not cool to have a crush on Frank." Ryan grinned "And anyway, you guys should be thankful. She actually likes you guys. Miranda hates me."

"Actually she hates your Mom." Rose pointed out "And she only hates you because you're her son."

"Well it's not my fault that my Mom's engaged to her uncle."

"They got engaged?" Rose shrieked with a large grin "That's amazing! Do you think we'll be bridesmaids?"

"She wants all us girls to be bridesmaids." Schuyler smiled "Even Miranda but I don't think she'll agree to it."

"Guys, I'm really worried." Rose said, her smile suddenly disappearing "Miranda keeps saying she knows a way to get Penina and Frank to split up but I don't know what she means and she won't tell me her plan or anything."

"You're making it sound like she's an evil witch or something." Schuyler replied.

"Which she is." Ryan said.

Rose rolled her eyes "Well I'm just worried that she's planning to hurt Penina or something..."

"If Penina got hurt, it wouldn't stop her being with Frank." Schuyler pointed out.

They got into a big debate about what Penina would do. I didn't say anything. I never say anything when other people are around. I'll talk to Ashley, my Mom and my Dad but that's different because they're family. I just can't talk in front of other people. Nobody knows why. Not even me. It's not that I don't want to talk in front of other people because believe me, I've tried. But no words or sounds will come out. So I gave up trying even though it means I get bullied at school. It doesn't matter though because Ashley sticks up for me.

"Sara?" Ashley snapped his fingers in front of my face "Quit daydreaming. We're going downstairs to play on the XBOX for a bit. Are you coming?" I smiled and nodded then followed the others downstairs.

The trouble with not saying anything is that sometimes, other people tend to forget you. They've been playing on the XBOX for over an hour and they've been passing the remotes around in turns. Everyone's had at least two turns except for me. I haven't had a turn because nobody noticed me. But I'm not about to say anything.

Even though Miranda makes fun of me for not talking sometimes, I kind of understand why she does. It must be really hard for her to not have a Mom around. And then when Penina came into her life, I guess she felt pushed aside. She felt left out just like I feel all the time. Sometimes I want to talk to her so much and tell her that I know how she feels and that she can tell me anything at all because I'll keep it a secret... And then I remember that I can't and probably never will.

At first Mom got really mad at me when I wouldn't talk to other strangers. I used to be able to talk to other people but then we moved towns and I dunno, then I just stopped. Mom thought I was being delibiretly awkward and got really mad at me. Dad and Ashley never got mad at me though. It was Dad who suggested we go and see a Doctor.

"Oh god, sorry Sara!" Ashley suddenly cried "Do you want a turn?" I nodded and took the remote controller from his hands. Oh well. Someone always notices me in the end.

Later, when everyone else had gone, I went into Ashley's room and asked "What do you think Miranda will do then?"

"I don't know. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you Sara." He replied as I sat down on his bed.

"But I am worrying about it. I've met Penina, she's nice. She doesn't try to trick me into talking like some of the others. Jasmine tries sometimes."

"Miranda tries all the time and you don't seem to mind then."

"That's different." I said, biting my lip "She's just upset about her Mom. The others don't have an excuse."

Ashley groaned "I really dislike Miranda."

"I don't. I wish I could talk to her. How come I can talk to you so easily but not to her?" I sighed heavily "It's not fair. I hate not being able to talk to anybody."

"Why don't you record what you want to say to her?" Ashley suggested "And then play it for her to listen to?"

I shook my head "I can't talk when I know my voice is being recorded. Whatever. I'm going to bed now. Good night."

"Night Sara."

[A/N] - Sorry it's so short D:
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