Categories > Original > Drama > The Midnight Beast

Chapter 12

by wizardreject 0 reviews

Chapter 12

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-09-19 - Updated: 2012-09-19 - 532 words

“Has anybody said anything today?” Stefan lowered himself next to Saff in History. They hadn’t seen each other over the weekend. Not that they had any cause to, they weren’t exactly close friends. She shook her head.
“No. Not yet anyway but we’re only halfway through the day” she tapped her pencil quietly on the ledge. They were watching a documentary on the black death, Stefan and Safina were right at the back in the dark where the teacher couldn’t see them talking.
“Fair enough, well Ash has told everyone who’s asked that nothing happened” Saff nodded,
“We’re having another party next week if you want to come along?” she looked at him, his face was only half lit, the rest was shadows and she could see the documentary reflecting in his brown eyes. He had really big brown eyes and long lashes, his curls spiralling upwards and then in different directions, his hat perched on top of them, angling up slightly, he had a longsleeved t-shirt on, the black sleeves were rolled up just past his elbows, only the sleeves were black, the rest of the top was white with a cartoon sandwhich on. It hung loosely like his light torn jeans, she could see his yellow Nike dunks in the corner of her eyes. She laughed a little,
“you sure do throw a lot of parties” he smiled and shrugged,
“this is college” Saff nodded and looked back to the front of the class, watching someone drop dead in a reenactment of the plague.
“I’ll think about it, not making any promises” he tipped his head back and laughed,
“oh come on Saff, it’s just a bit of fun?” she looked at him again, narrowing her eyes, he looked back at her, eyebrows raised with a small smirk, “come oooooooon, you know you wanna” he winked and she rolled her eyes,
“i’ll see.” Stefan sighed,
“buzz kill” he mumbled, she glared at him,
“why do you want me to come anyway?” he shrugged,
“makes no difference if you do or not, i’m just trying to get you out a little, and, the more the merrier right?” a loud shriek from the documentary caught both of their attentions, Saff shook her head and turned back to Stefan,
“i’m perfectly happy with my life right now, i’d rather study and revise, creating some sort of certainty for a stable future for myself than go out partying every night, making mistakes that will ruin my life” Stefan raised his eyebrows, his mouth was making a small ‘o’ with his mouth but the corners were turned up slightly to an open smile but a little shocked at the same time.
“Woooo… You think waaaaaay too much” she ignored him and looked back to the screen, “look, if you change your mind, the offer still stands” Saff stood up and gathered her things calmly,
“and like i said, i’ll see, goodbye Stefan” she left with a smile and he watched after her, shaking his head before pulling his hat down and closing his eyes, dossing to the sound of the documentary.
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