Categories > Original > Drama > The Midnight Beast

Chapter 17

by wizardreject 0 reviews

Chapter 17

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-09-19 - Updated: 2012-09-19 - 304 words

Stefan asked about the puppies, mainly Butch, at college everyday up until Friday, she sat down next to him in Business Studies.
“So, are you coming to the party?” he asked, she looked at him,
“and who’s gonna watch the puppies?” he shrugged,
“Jade?” she thought about it for a few seconds then sighed,
“i’ll ask her but i’m definitely not guaranteeing anything because she doesn’t cope well under pressure” Stefan nodded slowly,
“right. Okay. Well you know, the door’ll be open so just walk in” she chuckled,
“will do.”
The business studies teacher came in and gave them sheets on tasks.
“Ergh, hey, Stefan, if you were setting up a little shop but had competition in the area, how would you make sure you got more business than them?” Saff asked, Stefan shrugged and sat back, putting his hands behind his head,
“give customers something extra”
“i meant, non sexual favour wise” she said, Stefan laughed and sat forward properly, pulling her sheet in front of him and reading over it, there was a question at the bottom, pretty much the same question she’d just asked him,
“okay, so Tescos and Asda and all of those are always lowering their prices and putting on sales right?” Saff nodded and he wrote down sales, “then, maybe you could have music playing, to attract more customers, signs, flyers, posters, every little helps” he passed her paper back,
“well it’s a music store, CD’s and instruments etc. so i guess, live bands?” he nodded and she wrote it down,
“yeah, plus the fact that seeing other bands play can inspire other people to learn to play instruments” Saff smiled,
“yeah, i done that once, i still have a guitar i can’t play one chord on” Stefan laughed.
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