Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love's Unexpected
Love's Unexpected
(#) MrsWayBeckett 2012-09-20
Way to kill the moment guys! -_-
I loooove this story, just found out about it yesterday and I was so happy when I saw your update.
Update soon please. :DLove's Unexpected
(#) adrenalineguts 2012-09-21
Hi! Can I just hug you or something? Because I FUCKING LOVE THIS!!! It's just so awwwww :3 it gives me butterflies cuz it's so amazing! Update soon? :3Love's Unexpected
(#) japulapu 2012-09-21
Yay! An update! I loved it. I think this story is brilliant and I was dying to know what happens next. I'm just glad you haven't died in some gruesome way and have returned to writing. It was a fun chapter and I'm really looking forward to the next one.
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