Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What Happens On Tour, Stays On Tour - The Sequel

"I need to pee!" I told Penina, finishing my sandwich and getting up "I'll be with Raven, see you there in a second." On my way to the bathroom a couple of year seven boys tried to block my way but they were so short that I easily pushed them out of the way "God, so immature..." I muttered. Once I was done in the bathroom I went to the corridor where my friends were.

When I showed up Riley looked up at me and yelled "HOOOOLLLLLIIIIIEEEEE!" Chloe looked at me and joined in the loud shouting. I giggled and sat down in between Chloe and Raven.

"Are you still talking about your horror movie idea?" I asked.

Raven nodded and Chloe looked confused "What horror movie idea?" She asked us.

"You weren't there in PE so you wouldn't know." Raven told her.

"Yeah! I was at the leisure centre! The rain soaked me when I ran for the coach." Chloe pouted. It had been raining since last night and still hadn't stopped.

"Well the teacher wanted us to walk to the leisure centre!" I cried "And we complained so he said we could sit in a classroom instead and do nothing."

"So what's your horror movie idea?" Chloe whined.

"We can't tell you." Riley smiled "It's really top secret and we plan to make a fortune."

"I hate it when you guys leave me out of things."

Penina showed up "Hey guys!" She smiled, dumping her bag on the floor and starting to do 'down down baby' with Lorna "Riley, she can't do it, come up here and teach her!"

Riley sighed but got up to show Lorna how to play. Meanwhile, Chloe was asking me about the We Are The In Crowd concert "That's only if Rochelle can't pay by my birthday which is in six days." I told her "Which is looking pretty likely. She's had since May to pay for those tickets. Anyway, it's a Vans Off The Wall night. Four bands are playing but I was just gonna watch We Are The In Crowd and then go outside to meet the band. Rochelle's actually pissing me off recently."


"Because I gave her this book that we were going to give to We Are The In Crowd after we'd finished it and I asked her to do a title page. I gave her the book three weeks ago. She still isn't fucking done! And we only have two weeks left to finish the whole thing! When I gave her the book I meant for her to spend one day on it. She's taking the piss."

Chloe laughed "What are you gonna do in this book?"

"I dunno. I wanted those three weeks to plan something but she just had to spend three weeks on a simple fucking title page. It'd better be amazing goddammit or I will hit the roof." I thought about it "Messages from the fans and stuff I guess. I was gonna print off some We Are The In Crowd fan art to stick in. I was also gonna ask Rochelle to draw some fan art but not if she's gonna take the piss again."

Riley came and sat back down next to Chloe and Penina turned to me "Hozzie, they added in something about jimmy jimmy coconut? Have you ever heard of that?" I shook my head.

"You've never heard of jimmy jimmy coconut?" Riley cried. Her and Gerard looked astonished.

"I said shimmy shimmy coconut." Raven said.

Ray nodded "Yeah, we had that too."

"I didn't know that guys played down down baby." I said, pretty confused "I've never heard of jimmy shimmy coconut."

"It was jimmy!"

"It was shimmy!" A massive argument broke out about whether or not it was shimmy or jimmy coconut. Penina broke it up by chucking a yoghurt at Raven. Raven picked it up "Who should I throw it at?" She asked me.

I giggled and pointed at Frank "Yes, do it!" Penina giggled.

So Raven threw the yoghurt at Frank and it bounced off him. Frank picked it up and chucked it back twice as hard. It splattered against the wall and went all over Riley. All of us burst out laughing except for Riley who stood up and started hopping around shrieking "No! My coat! My trousers! Frank! You bitch! I didn't even touch the yoghurt!" She groaned and sat back down.

At that moment two small, adorable looking year seven girls walked past "Aww you're so cute!" I told the first one "And you're even cuter!" The second one glared at me and flicked her wet umbrella in her face. Rain drops splattered all over me and Raven.

"You bitch!" Raven yelled "That was my face!"

"I compliment you and you shove your umbrella in my face?" I shrieked "I hate you! Last time I compliment a stranger."

"That was our karma for laughing at Riley's misfortune." Raven sighed and pouted "Oh god, I feel sick. I think I'm gonna puke."

"You've been saying that since first lesson."

"I know but it's true."

"If you puke then you can go home?" Penina said "No actually, don't go home, I need someone to talk to in double Spanish."

"I don't even have double Spanish next lesson anyway."

"Yes but if you're sick, you won't be able to text me." Penina grinned "I have an idea! Puke and then puke in a patch in front of me and then one in front of Hozzie so we can all go home."

"But our breath wouldn't smell of puke." I pointed out.

"So?" Raven giggled "It's not like they're gonna say 'you've just been sick, breath on me so I can double check!'"

We all laughed "You've been sick! Show me your teeth!" Penina joked causing us all to laugh harder.

"I'm still pissed off at that year seven though." I said, stopping my laughter and pouting.

"She was a bitch, ignore her." Raven laughed.

The year nine girl with the exact same bag as me walked past "I like your bag!" I told her.

"I like yours too!" She replied, smiling at me.

"See! I like her! She can take a compliment unlike that bitch year seven!"

"Hozzie, you know we have musical theatre next?" Lorna asked "Do we have to put on american accents?" I nodded "This should be funny."

"What do you mean?"

"You're terrible at accents. When we were doing West Side Story you were told to talk with a Spanish accent. You spoke in a jamaican, french, irish, scottish... Basically, everything except a Spanish accent. You're not very good at accents."

"I'm great at accents!" I cried.

"No, Lorna's right, you're really not." Penina giggled.

"Actually, as it happens, I'm gonna be the plant in the show-"

"Even though you chose to go for chorus?"

"-And this is what I'll do. Feed me Raven, feed me!"

"I hope that Rochelle doesn't get the part of Audrey." Penina commented.

"Oh my god, me too! She can't act!" I scowled.

"She can sing though."

"So can Chloe." I thought about it "I guess Rochelle can act. But when I watch her perform it's just like watching a talented teenage girl acting. But when Chloe was Lady Marmalade last year, I was truly convinced she was Lady Marmalade."

"I know what you mean." Penina nodded.

The bell rang for Musical Theatre and I pulled my hood up "Aww you're a dinosaur!" The year nine girl grinned at me.

I smiled back and ran outside on my tiptoes "I hate the rain!" I squealled as I got stuck behind a slow walking person.

MCR weren't in this one that much, I'm sorry :(
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