Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

That's what happens when you snoop.

by Missus_Blaze

Mikey has found Gerard's journal and is worried sick, literally. How will Gerard react when he find's out his younger brother has been snooping through his journal? _______________________________...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-03 - Updated: 2012-10-03 - 895 words

Mikey didn't mean to look at Gerard's journal, it was just there, and Mikey, in his usual worried state about Gerard looked. Only to see what was going on in his older brothers head, It was worse then he could ever of imagined. Every entry talked about a mystery guy and how he made feel Gerard feel like he wasn't good enough, how this guy had no idea what he was doing Gerard's heart, and how he could never know. Every other entry in the journal mentioned a possible way of dying, overdose being the most frequent.

Mikey could feel the tears slide down his cheeks as he read the latest entry, from last night.

Dear journal,
I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, I know I say it a lot but I really do mean it. I feel awful lying to Bert on a daily basis,One of his friends told me that Bert had asked him for advice on how to approach me moving into his apartment once this tour is over! I can't do that. That's getting to serious. And that guy, he still hasn't a clue. I mean, I can't blame him, I haven't told him, I don't want him to know, but it still doesn't stop seeing him with a new girl every night hurting me.

Why am I even here? What do I contribute? I'm an awful friend, I'm just a waste of space. I think I'm going to end things with Bert tomorrow or the day after, and then go and drown in a pool of my own vomit. I just want to die right now, everyone would be so much better without me. That guy wouldn't have to put up with my jealousy, Mikey, Ray,James and Bob could stop worrying about me, and Bert, well he could finally find someone who really loves him. I've been searching up and apparently if you mix sleeping pills with alcohol it can slow your heart down and kill you.....I need to update my prescription for sleepers...That's it, I've decided,As soon as I can get some sleepers I'm going to do that, die in my sleep. No-one will suspect a thing.

G xoxo

Mikey threw the journal out of Gerard's bunk as soon as he finished the entry and let out a sound that sounded like he was in pain. Frank heard the sound and assumed Mikey was listening to some new band who hadn't quiet figured out their 'sound' until he heard Mikey shout out 'NO! NO! NO!'

'Mikey? Mikey what's wrong?' Frank said as he entered the bunk room, running over to the sound which came from Gerard's bunk. He pulled back the curtain and saw Mikey, led on the bunk, face in the pillow, crying. 'Mikey?....Mikey what's happened?'

Mikey lifted his head from the pillow and looked at Frank, He didn't say anything, just pointed at the journal on the floor. Frank picked up the journal and flicked through.
'Last page' Mikey mumbled into the pillow.
Frank skipped to the last page and read the entry, he could feel his heart drop, like when you get some bad news. 'I'm getting him here'Frank said to Mikey's head, and that was when he made the phone call to Gerard.

10 minutes later Gerard appeared in the doorway. He looked paler then usual,his hair all over the place, and his fingers clutching yet another cigarette.

'What's happening?' Gerard asked.
Mikey looked up from the pillow and hiccuped 'Don't do it.' he whispered.
Gerard looked at Frank and his brother confused. 'Do what?'
'Don't fill up your prescription. We read your journal' Frank explained, he looked into Gerard's eyes. Where had all the sparkle gone?
'YOU WHAT!' Gerard shouted, he pulled Mikey's hair so his face was away from the pillow 'What makes you think you have the right to do that!' Gerard refused to let go of his brother's hair, despite Mikey's begging.
'Gerard you're hurting him!' Frank tried to pull Gerard away from Mikey.

That was proof enough for Frank that something wasn't right with his friend. Gerard normally would never hurt Mikey, and if anyone else tried to hurt Mikey he would make them regret it.After what seemed like hours Frank managed to pull Gerard away. Gerard crumbled to the floor and started crying. 'I...I'm so sorry Mikey. Please... Please forgive me, it will never happen again.'
Mikey rubbed his head and climbed out of the bunk, he hugged his brother and refused to let go. neither of them said anything. Mikey was busy thinking about how his brother had changed, why had he suddenly gotten so violent? And Gerard felt far too much guilt to speak.

'Gerard...Please just talk to me?' Frank pleaded with his friend.
Gerard refused to look at him. 'Don't you have a girl to make out with?' he spat. Gerard wouldn't speak to Frank about his feelings even if he was the last person on earth.

'I need to get that prescription filled, and fast' Gerard thought to himself.

Thank you all for the support so far. Don't forget to tell me what you think. Be 100% honest! I promise it starts to get happier soon, stick with me ok? :)
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