Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Well it's half true.

by Missus_Blaze

Frank confronts Gerard about his recent behavior. Will Gerard tell Frank the truth? _______________________________________ Warnings: Talk of depression/death/suicidal thoughts. Some language. ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-10-04 - Updated: 2012-10-04 - 724 words

Gerard's comment hurt Frank, yes he spent a lot of time with girls, and yes sometimes he would do sexual things with them, but he didn't ever see anything else apart from a one night thing with any of them. He wanted something more, but not with any of those girls, he wanted something more with Gerard. His best friend,did this make him bisexual? Was it just a late phase like some teenagers seem to go through? He didn't know for sure, all he knew was that Gerard's actions recently had not only hurt Mikey, but himself.

'Woah, what? Don't be a dick, I'm trying to help you here.' Frank tried to hide the hurt Gerard's comment had caused.
'I don't need your fucking help. What do you care anyway?' Gerard pulled away from the hug his brother had kept him in and stood up, looking Frank in the eyes 'There is nothing to talk about, nothing to say apart from everything in there is correct, and no I won't tell you his name, and no I won't talk to you about how I feel.'
Frank pulled Gerard's arm and led him into the living area, hoping that if he got Gerard away from Mikey he would talk. 'I know there is something more to this. Fuck Gee I'm worried about you. All these mood changes, the violence, the drinking, the drugs. Do you not see what you are doing to people? To yourself? Please just tell me what's going in in that head of yours. Who is this guy? Just tell me please.'
'I'm not talking about the guy' Gerard flopped down onto the couch and lit a cigarette, the nicotine calming him down.

Frank watched Gerard carefully, his hands were shaking slightly, his skin paler then normal, his hair well that hadn't changed at all, it was still the unwashed mess it always was. It was Gerard's eyes that Frank noticed the biggest change in though. They didn't shine anymore, They seemed colder.
'Fine, talk to me about the bits about death? Do you really want to die? Why?' he asked.
Gerard was starting to get sick of the constant questions, maybe he could tell Frank some half truths, it would get Frank off his back, and as people kept telling him 'Talking helps.'
'Well...uh....yeah it's true, sometimes, well every day really I feel like you guys would be better off without me.'
Frank sat down next to Gerard. 'Why? What could make you feel this way? You know I'm always here for you right?'
'I just, I don't even know anymore. I can't pinpoint one thing. It just, happens. One day I'll feel amazing, like I'm on top of the world. And then the next I just want to be buried and forgotten about.' Gerard shrugged, it was true, and he hated to admit, but this whole saying shit out loud was kind of helping him understand a bit better.

Gerard couldn't get one thing out of his head though, Frank. Fucking Frank! He was always in Gerard's thoughts, but this time it was different, it was more serious. Frank's concern for him made Gerard think about what it would be like if he just blurted out to Frank how he felt. Maybe he should do it now, if it all went wrong he could just say he meant it in a friendly way.

'Gerard?...Hello? I said maybe we should get you some help.'Frank waved his hand in Gerard's face, much like Bert earlier.
'Uh... no. No help, no way.' Gerard threw his cigarette butt onto a abandoned plate.
'Ok well talk to me. You can tell me anything. You know that right?' Frank took Gerard's hand in his and squeezed it. 'Any time, any place,I don't care if it's stupid O'clock in the morning ok?'
Gerard shut his eyes, his cheeks starting to turn a slight pink. 'Well there is one thing...' he mumbled.
Frank squeezed Gerard's hand again 'What's that then?'

So there we go... Sorry to leave it like that. Let me know what you think? I honestly cannot thank you all enough for the support. I have the next chapter written up, should HOPEFULLY be up tomorrow :)
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