Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Secrets and lies.

by Missus_Blaze

Can Gerard really tell Frank how he feels? And how will he deal with his boyfriend Bert? _____________________________________ Warnings: Contains language.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-10-05 - 849 words

Gerard could swear his heart stopped beating for a minute. What had he just done? He couldn't tell Frank, He just couldn't. If he said it out loud that would make it real, and Gerard couldn't deal with the rejection. He looked down at Frank's hand closed around his own, and felt his eyes filling with tears.

'Forget I said anything, I..I'm drunk.' Gerard mumbled, pulling his hand away from Franks.
'No. Tell me, I won't laugh or judge you or anything I promise. I'll just listen. Please Gerard.'
Gerard could see the worry in Frank's eyes, they looked almost sad. 'It's just, I don't think me and Bert are working.'
Frank nodded and motioned with his hand for Gerard to carry on.
'I love him, don't get me wrong, hes great. I just I don't LOVE him if you get what I mean? I got into the relationship for all the wrong reasons.' Gerard pressed his hands against his eyes trying to stop the tears that were trying to escape.
'I understand. You love him like a friend, not in a romantic way?' Frank pulled Gerard's hands away from his eyes and wiped the few tears that were starting to slide down his friend's cheeks with his sleeve.
'Who is this guy then Gerard? Maybe I can help you? Maybe I can talk to him for you?'
'Well you would need to talk to yourself' Gerard mumbled. When he saw the look on Frank's face he covered his mouth. 'I...shit..I said that out loud didn't I?'
Frank nodded. 'So uh...I'm the guy? The guy who makes you feel like you aren't worth anything? The guy who you can't look at without wanting to burst into tears? The guy who is the reason you drink so much? The guy who is the reason behind your relationship with Bert? The guy you need to be distracted from?'
'Yes. Sorry, You can hit me or shout at me or whatever just please don't hate me.'
'Why would I hate you? I fucking love you Gerard, you are my best friend. It kills me to see you so sad. I've always wanted to be the one to make you happy. Have you ever noticed how I'm the one who stays with you, holding your hair back whilst you puke the night away? How I'm the one who stays with you in your bunk when you can't sleep? You really think I only do that because I'm your friend? Gerard, I do that because I love you and I want to help you get better' Frank gave Gerard a small smile. 'But now I know it's me who's been making you feel this way, I just...I want to say sorry, I never realized, and You know, if I had of known I'd never of gotten with all those girls. I only ever spent any time with them as a distraction from you.'

Frank couldn't believe he had said all of that out loud. He was fully aware of Mikey hiding in the doorway watching the pair of them on the couch. He could also see Gerard's mouth opening and closing like a fish.
'But you're straight?' Gerard blinked at Frank.
'Nope. Well I don't think so. I mean I can't be if I love you can I?'
Gerard pulled Frank into a quick, awkward hug, then pulled away. 'you mean it? You aren't just lying to me to try and make me feel better?'
'What? No of course not!' Frank felt hurt by Gerard's lack in trust in him, but he could also understand why Gerard found it hard to believe him. He cupped Gerard's face in his hands so he could look at him straight in the eye. 'Believe I would never lie to you.' He could see Gerard blush and smiled. 'Gerard Way, no matter how messed up you think you think you are I will always love you. I will always admire you and think you are perfect. Ok?' Frank didn't give Gerard a chance to answer. He pressed his lips against Gerard's,he could feel Gerard tense up, and then seem to relax again. Gerard parted his lips slightly and wrapped his arm around Frank's neck.

'GERARD!' Came a shout from the doorway of the bus.
Gerard jumped away from Frank and looked at the door.
'Fucking hell, I knew you were a bit of a man whore when you were drunk, but seriously...Fuck you, some band meeting.' Bert walked over to Gerard, pulling him up off the couch by the collar of his shirt.
'You will regret this, Way, you will regret making a fool out of me.' Bert threw Gerard down onto the floor and left the bus, ignoring Gerard's begging for a chance to explain.

I hope you enjoy this, remember to tell me what you think. Thank you for the support so far, it really means a lot.
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