Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Naps,Bad feelings and coffee.

by Missus_Blaze

Bert's actions have worried Frank. Will his and Gerard's romance be over before it's even begun? _____________________________________ Warnings: slight language.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-06 - Updated: 2012-10-06 - 993 words

'Gerard! Gerard are you ok?' Frank ran over to a shaking Gerard, who had crawled into the corner of the living area.
'Yeah. Just wasn't expecting that.'
Frank sat down next to Gerard and put his arm around Gerard's shoulders. He never would of gone for the kiss if he had known Bert was there. He felt so guilty, this was all his fault. Gerard, on the floor shaking with fright, or nerves or whatever.'Gee it's ok. I won't let him hurt you.'
Mikey coughed from the doorway 'He's just saying shit, he won't do anything.' He walked over to his brother and Frank and sat in-front of them. 'Come on Gerard, why are you shaking? You have nothing to worry about.'
Gerard shook his head 'I don't know. It's not every day you get grabbed by the collar of your shirt. I just wasn't expecting him to be there.'
Frank stood up and pulled at Gerard's arm. 'Come on, lets get you to bed, you have just enough time for a nap before we go up on stage. Then after we can talk yeah?'
'Ok.' Gerard stood up and followed Frank who was leading him to his bunk. 'Stay with me?'
'Of course. I'll never leave your side.' Frank smiled at Gerard and climbed into the bunk after Gerard.

It didn't take long for Gerard to fall asleep. Having Frank to cuddle with helped. He felt safe with Frank there, and even with the recent events, Bert's threat, Gerard felt strangely happy.
It was a good hour before he woke up. Gerard knew he still had at least half a hour before he would need to be awake, he could hear Frank softly snoring into his hair. Gerard closed his eyes, maybe he could get back to sleep, he was just about to drift off, until he heard Mikey and Ray talking.

'Wait, so let me get this straight Mikey. You read Gerard's journal, saw he was in love with some guy, and wanted to die so you and Frank got him here?' Ray paused so Mikey could confirm he had gotten things right so far. 'And then Frank told Gerard he was madly in love with him, and they kissed and Bert came here and started threatening Gerard?' Ray looked down into his coffee cup and wrinkled his nose at how little he had left. Ray was the sensible one in the band, the one who could be thrown anything and deal with it in a mature, sensible way.
'Yes! And now the pair of them are asleep before we go up on stage. I have a bad feeling Ray, like I don't know what, but I can just feel something bad is going to happen.' Mikey rubbed his eyes, something he did when he was either stressed or tired.
Ray shook his head 'That will be the stress. You are worrying over nothing. Gerard will get better in time, especially if he has Frank now, and he has us and Bob and James, as well as your family. As for Bert, if he lays a finger on Gerard or Frank he won't be on this tour anymore, because I'll make it my mission to get him off it. Ok?'
Mikey nodded and picked up Ray's coffee up. 'Thank's Ray. Do you want another coffee?'

Meanwhile on The Used's bus Bert was pacing around. 'How fucking dare he! Who does he fucking think he is? That son of a fucking bitch.' he mumbled to himself, downing three shots of vodka he had set out on the counter. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. No-one had ever cheated on Bert and gotten away with it. He needed Gerard, he couldn't let that bastard Frank have him. Bert couldn't get Gerard and Frank out of his mind the whole time he was on stage with his band, He even dedicated a song to 'That fucking ass who cheated.'

Gerard sat up and rubbed his eyes. They were due on stage in 20 minutes. 'Frankie...wake up.' Gerard poked Frank's cheek.
'Hey! My cheeks are not for poking' Frank opened his eyes and smiled up at Gerard.
'Sorry. You gotta get up though, we are due in 20 minutes. I thought you might want a coffee before we get up there.' Gerard bent down and kissed Frank's lips softly, he could Frank blush a little and smiled 'I'll go make it ok? Don't go back to sleep.' He jumped out of the bunk and started humming to himself.

Frank looked up, he couldn't believe this was real. It was real right? Not a dream. He pinched himself just to check. 'Owch' yeah defiantly real. He jumped out of the bunk and crept up behind Gerard, wrapping his arms around Gerard's waist. 'guess who.' he giggled.
Gerard spun around and smiled, he bent his head down and kissed Frank deeply, a kiss full of years of want. Frank melted into the kiss, a small moan escaping his lips as he wrapped his fingers in Gerard's hair.

'Can you two save it for AFTER the show please. Which we need to get to.' Mikey laughed.
'Yeah come on guys. You two were in bed longer then we thought you would be. We should get going' Ray patted Frank on the back 'I heard about your speech' He headed for the door with Mikey 'Do NOT be late. 5 minutes ok?'
Frank and Gerard nodded. 'Wonder what we can get done in five minutes' Frank winked at Gerard.

YAY Ray finally got some lines! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, please do tell me what you think, what you like, how you think I can improve.
I can't believe this already has ALMOST 300 views! Thank you all so much!!
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