Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Two things are like my therapy.

by Missus_Blaze

Gerard promises to focus on getting better, how will Frank cope with Gerard going cold turkey?, How will Mikey react to one of his closest friends and older brother dating? _______________________...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-07 - Updated: 2012-10-07 - 1420 words

The show had been one of the best the guys had ever done. Gerard and Frank continued with their kissing and groping on stage, the fans assuming it was all fake, only Frank, Gerard,Mikey,Ray,Bob and James knew the truth. Mikey and Ray had hurriedly informed Bob and James of the news seconds before they were due up on stage. Gerard seemed genuinely happy, he joked with the crowd and seemed to of had tons of energy.

After the show the band hurried back to the bus, Gerard had agreed to talk to the guys about his problems, almost like a counselling session. They had agreed each member got to ask Gerard two questions which he had to answer 100% truthfully. Bob,Ray,James,Mikey and Frank all squished themselves up on the couch, Gerard sitting on the floor in front of the rest of the band.

'Ok Go on then. Question time, and then we get rid of any temptation.' Gerard fiddled with his sleeves, he was extremely nervous about what he would be asked.
'I'll go first! And I'll ask both at the same time just to make things easier for you. Question one: How long have you been hiding the cocaine use? Question two: Have you hid any other things from us, like I don't know, hurting yourself?' Mikey asked, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.
'Just a month or so, not long I promise. And uh... other things....Not that I can think of.'
'What do you mean Not that you can think of. Fucking hell Gerard, you of all people should know!' Mikey stopped when he saw the 'shut up now' look Ray was giving him. He shook his head instead.

Ray smiled at Gerard, he could see his friends nerves. 'Ok Gerard, well I don't have any questions as such, apart from when did you start to realize you were depressed and why didn't you get help?'
Gerard shuffled about on the floor, he couldn't think of when it all started. 'Honestly I don't know. It's been a couple of years, I just didn't want anyone to worry about me, which is why I didn't go and see a doctor.'

'I don't have any questions, I just want you to know I'm here for you ok? I know its tough' James got up from the couch and sat down on the floor next to Gerard, pulling him into a tight hug. 'I've been there, so don't say I don't know what it's like, because I do' he whispered into Gerard's ear.

Bob shook his head 'Why Bert? Why didn't you just tell Frank as soon as you realized how you felt about him?'
Gerard sighed, he was hoping he wouldn't be asked that. 'Um, Bert wasn't the first, he was just the longest. He was there, and I needed a distraction because Frank had never told me he was into guys, so I assumed he was straight. And you know, straight guys don't fall in love with Bi guys. That's why I didn't tell him and that's why I used Bert the way I did. I know it was wrong but at the time I just didn't really care, as mean as that seems.' Thinking back Gerard realized how horrible he had been to Bert. He was ashamed of his actions.

'The only question I have is um are we like dating now? Or like what?' Frank smiled over at Gerard and blushed 'I mean, I'm cool if you just want to be a friends with benefits thing, even though I want more then that.' Mikey wrinkled his nose and made gagging sounds at Frank's question.
'Well I want more then just sex, I want to be with you and cuddle, and watch shit tv. I want to be able to hold your hand and laugh at even the stupidest of things. I just, I want you for you, not for meaningless sex.' Gerard blushed a little, his cheeks turning a even brighter pink when Frank skipped over and sat on Gerard's lap, nuzzling his face into the singers neck.

Ray stood up from the couch and started off towards the bunks 'Ok, who has alcohol in their bunk?' Mikey, Frank and Bob all raised their hands. 'Ok, well it's going remember?' Ray said as he started rooting through the bunks trying to find all of the alcohol. He came back with his arms full of bottles, and made his way to the sink.
Gerard watched as Ray and James started to pour all of the drink's away. He could see his own secret stash there and squeezed his eyes shut. How would he cope without even a beer?

'I'm so proud of you Gerard' Frank whispered into Gerard's ear. He meant it, he was proud. Most people wouldn't offer to go cold turkey as it was called. Most people would just slowly take themselves away from their demons. Not Gerard though. He could feel Gerard shaking slightly under him. Surly it couldn't be kicking in this soon? Frank didn't realize quite how severe Gerard's drinking problem was though.
'Gee, are you ok?' Frank asked, Gerard's face had become very pale.
'I uh.... I don't feel so good.'
'How much would you of drank by this point Gerard?' James asked from the sink, where he and Ray were still emptying out bottles.
'Um.....on a typical night? 5 beers, a couple of glasses of wine if its around, a handful of vodka shots and um whatever else I can get my hands on. As-well as the odd joint and a couple of lines if I can get it.' Gerard didn't like admitting it, especially to so many people in one go. 'Frankie can you uh...' he waved his hand and Frank got up. 'Thanks' Gerard started to make his way to the bathroom, tripping over his own feet along the way.
'Fuck...That's a lot Gerard!' Frank called after him.

James knew what was coming and held out a bucket to Frank 'Take this to him and stay with him, take these to' He handed Frank a damp cloth and a glass of water. 'If you need me shout ok?'
Frank nodded and ran over to Gerard, placing the bucket in front of him just in time. Gerard started to throw up, Frank held his hair back and rubbed his back. 'Its ok Gee, I'm here. Remember I'm never leaving your side. Even if you are puking like there's no tomorrow.'
Gerard felt awful, not just because of the whole being sick thing, but because of the way he had treated Bert, and the way Frank was now becoming almost like his carer.
'I'll...I'll be ok' Gerard whispered as he finished and flopped back, his head resting on the bottom of one of the bunks.
'No, now stop moving and let me mop you' Frank held Gerard's chin in his hand and started to gently pat the damp cloth over his face. 'Maybe we shouldn't of made you stop everything in one go.'
'No Frankie, it's the best way. I'm sorry' Gerard squeezed Frank's leg 'Please, I don't want you to have to do this. I can cope ok. Go and have a coffee or something. I'll be fine.'

James and Ray finally finished getting rid of all of the alcohol, most of it being Gerard's. 'Mikey, did you know it was this bad?' Ray asked, waving his hand over to the pile of bottles that had belonged to Gerard.
Mikey shook his head. 'He's really sick isn't he?'
James nodded 'He will get through it though, he has us, and Frank. Just keep Bert away from him ok?'
'sure. I'll try my best. You don't really think Bert would try and spend any time with Gerard though do you?' Mikey asked.
James chewed on a nail that was breaking,'I don't know, I've heard a lot of different thing's about him. Only time will tell.' He didn't tell Mikey most of those things involved violence.

So James finally has some lines. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Please do tell me what you think, I do take all your comments on board when I write. I love you all! I can't believe this has almost 400 views!
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