Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Go back to bed.

by Missus_Blaze

Gerard can't sleep,every time he tries he wakes up screaming and sweating. Why won't these nightmares leave him alone? _______________________________________ Warnings: Talk of death/violence.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-08 - Updated: 2012-10-08 - 605 words

5am, the band had been asleep for a few hours, except for Gerard. Frank had stayed with him the whole night, until 3am when Gerard felt far to guilty to keep a visibly tired Frank awake and ordered him to his own bunk.
'I'll be fine, I promise. You need your sleep. Go to your own No buts.' Gerard said as he pointed towards Frank's bunk.
'Mmmkay, but if you need me wake me up ok?' Frank yawned and rolled out of the bunk, slowly making his way to his own. 'Night Gee. I love you.'
'I love you too Frankie, now go to bed.'

He had tried to sleep, really he had. It must of been around 4:30 when Gerard had finally gotten to sleep. He had snuggled into his pillow, his thin blanket wrapped around him tightly. And then the nightmare started. Gerard and Frank were backstage after a show, sat on the couch just talking, when a dark figure walked into the room. It didn't have a face, not one Gerard could see anyway. He, well Gerard assumed it was a he, had a very deep voice, which had almost a robotic feel to it. The figure walked up to Gerard and Frank and picked Frank up by the throat, shoving a knife into his stomach and twisting, laughing as he did.
'No...No please please don't hurt him. Hurt me instead, no....' Gerard mumbled in his sleep.
The figure pulled the knife out and walked off as Frank collapsed to the ground.
'FRANNNNNNNKKKKKKKK!!!!' Gerard shouted, he sat bolt upright, shaking and sweating.
'Gerard?... Geeee are you ok!?' Frank ran over to Gerard's bunk and opened the curtain. 'Come on, lets get you some water.' He took Gerard's hand and led him to the couch in the living area.

Frank told Gerard to lie on the couch whilst he sorted out a drink of water. 'What happened? nightmare?' he asked.
Gerard nodded, he couldn't speak, he was still shaking. The only thoughts running through his head involving Frank dying in his arms.
'What happened?' Frank handed Gerard the glass of water and sat next to the very sweaty, and shaky Gerard.
'Please don't die' Gerard mumbled, taking a sip of the water. He could feel tears siding down his cheeks, but refused to brush them away.
'I'm not going to die. I'm staying with you, never leaving your side ok? Is that what happened in the nightmare? I died?'
Gerard nodded.
'I won't die Gee. Come here you.' He took Gerard's glass from him and placed it on the coffee table. 'I'm right here see.' He helped Gerard lie down on the couch and snuggled up against him.
Gerard didn't say anything. He just squeezed Frank's hand and shut his eyes.

Frank really was worried about Gerard. He decided to talk to the rest of the band in the morning, see if they should get a doctor or something. This wasn't like Gerard, whenever he slept he slept like a baby. Frank couldn't remember the last time Gerard had mentioned having a nightmare. He felt Gerard squeeze his hand and smiled into Gerard's back. Maybe things would be ok.

Sorry this is so short, I'm really tired as I just started some work experience and was on my feet all day. I promise I'll try to continue to update daily, but the chapters may be slightly shorter.

Thank you all for the support so far. I really do appreciate it. Remember to tell me what you honestly think :)
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