Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

The way your eyes crinkle when you smile.

by Missus_Blaze

It's Thursday and the band have a rare day and evening off. What will the guys get up to? _______________________________________ Warnings: None!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-09 - Updated: 2012-10-09 - 655 words

Thursday morning, It's 11am when Frank finally wakes up, still curled up around Gerard. The rest of the band had left the bus earlier to spend time with their girlfriends who had come out to visit them on this rare day off. Frank lay there for a minute not moving, just watching Gerard sleep. It was no good, they both needed to wake up.

'Gee, it's time to wake up. Come on, I'll make you coffee' Frank whispered into Gerard's ear.
'mmmm. Coffee where?' Gerard opened his eyes and yawned.
'No good morning Frank? well Thanks Gerard'Frank playfully poked Gerard 'I'm just about to make it.'
'Good morning Frankie. And thank you' Gerard scrunched his eyes up as Frank climbed over him.
Frank made the coffee's and placed them on the coffee table. He waved at Gerard to move his legs, and when Gerard refused he climbed over them.
'Hey! I was comfy' Gerard whined.
'And I needed to sit down you ass. What do you wanna do today?'
'Movie marathon?'
'Ok! Go put one on though.'

Gerard slowly got up off the couch and rooted through the dvds eventually deciding on Rocky Horror Picture Show. A classic, and something sure to wake him up and improve his mood. He put the dvd in the player and flopped back down on the couch. Frank wiggled up so his head was resting on Gerard's chest.
'Don't move ever. I'm comfy' Frank could feel Gerard's heart beating against his cheek, and it in a weird way relaxed him.
Gerard bent his head down and hissed Frank's nose, and then pressed play on the remote.

They watched the dvd almost in complete silence. Frank occasionally telling Gerard that he loved that person's hat, or random facts about the actors, Gerard reciting lines, and of course the pair of them sang along to the songs. Throughout the film Gerard would squeeze Frank's hand, or Frank would tilt his head up and kiss Gerard's chin. The pair of them were comfortable, and they could both get used to this. Once the film had finished Frank made a sound like a cat in pain.
'I was getting into it! Why does it always have to end so soon!'
'You are a idiot sometimes Frank' Gerard laughed, ruffling Frank's hair.
'But that's why you love me?'
'One of the many reasons.'
Frank blushed. 'So why do you love me then?'
'What do you mean why? Is it really not obvious?' Gerard asked.
'Nope. Tell me.'
'Well' Gerard paused. 'I love how you are always there for me even when I'm a dickhead, I love how talented you are, how passionate about things you are, how your eyes crinkle when you smile and your laugh. I love how you care about other people, I love how you can cheer anyone up, and I love how your hair looks in the morning, how you can make me laugh,and how you have a great taste in music. And well I love everything about you.'

Frank felt his cheeks turn bright pink. He looked up at Gerard 'Wow.'
Gerard smiled and brought his lips down to meet Frank's, kissing him softly.
'I love you, for you'.
Hi guys, sorry its a short one again, this work experience is taking all the wind out of my sails or whatever the saying is. I am so tired, but I still want to update every day if I can, so it may just be short little things until my day off on Friday where I shall try and do a longer chapter to make up.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please DO tell me EXSACTLY what YOU think and what YOU think could be changed,what you like, ect. Thank you so much for the support so far! I love you all!
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