Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

It's showtime!

by Missus_Blaze

It's Gerard and Frank's first show as an official couple. Ray had accidentally let it slip in a interview that morning. ___________________________________ Warnings: None

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-12 - Updated: 2012-10-12 - 1352 words

Ray loved being able to have a chance to talk, on his own once in a while during a interview. This morning he was being interviewed for the towns local radio station. He couldn't remember where they were though.

'So Ray, the new album, tell us a bit more about it?' The interviewer asked.
Ray smiled and waved his hands around as he explained the influences, the struggles and all the other crap they expected to hear.
'And tell us about this tour, you're with The Used, and Reggie and the full effect right?'
'Yeah that's right, and we pick up a local band from every city we are in. Tonight we have a band called Two Faced, I think one of your only female fronted bands. They are great though, come down guys, there are still a few tickets left!'
'Yes, Yes we play them sometimes. Now Ray... I want to play a game with you if that's ok?'
Ray bounced up and down in his seat, he loved games. 'Sure!'
The interviewer explained the rules. It was a yes or no game, and Ray had to answer only yes or no within 2 seconds else he would have to do a forfeit.
'Sound's great!'
'Ok Ray....answer me this, I've heard rumors you never wash your hair... is that true?'
'YES!' Ray laughed. It wasn't completely true, he washed it sometimes, but saying he never washed it fitted in with the whole what people expect when you tour thing.
'You are engaged?'
'Gerard and Frank are dating?'
'YES!..oh wait....I mean...uh NO!' Ray bit his lip. Shit, he hadn't meant to say yes! Hopefully the interviewer would accept his no answer.
'They are?... Well you heard it hear first guys and girls! My Chemical Romance has a in-band romance! Thank's for your time Ray. Remember there are still tickets on the door so get down here! It's going to be a great show with The Used,Reggie and the full effect, My Chemical Romance and our very own Two Faced!' The interviewer turned all his equipment off, packed it up and shook Ray's hand.
'Thank's for the exclusive.'
'Uh....' Ray didn't know what to say, so he just shook the guys hand, smiled, thanked him for the interview and ran back to the bus to tell the guys what a idiot he had been.

'FRANK! GERARD!... I gotta talk to you NOW!' Ray shouted as soon as he entered the bus.
'A little busy Ray!' Frank squeaked from his bunk.
'No Frank really.. it's urgent. You and Gerard can get off later. This is important!'
Frank and Gerard could hear the worry in Ray's voice.
'Later?' Gerard smiled from in-between Frank's thighs.
Frank just nodded, and the pair of them got up and redressed slowly, stealing little kisses as they got dressed.
'GUYS!!!' Ray shouted.
Gerard and Frank walked out into the living area holding hands and flopped down onto the couch.
'What's so urgent Toro?' Frank asked.
'I uh.... may of...By accident I swear! Told a local radio station you two are um.....kind' Ray blushed and hid his face behind his hair. 'I'm SOOOO sorry, Please don;t hate me. It just slipped out and I just.'
'Ray, it's ok. They had to find out eventually' Gerard smiled. It was true, he and Frank had been talking about it earlier, and they had decided to just casually bring it up in their next interview together.
'So you aren't mad? Great!!'
'Well I'm kinda mad you called us when you did, but I'm sure I can just about survive till the end of the show' Frank winked at Gerard, and Ray made a face. 'Don't worry Ray, we won't, not here on the couch anyway.'

Gerard and Frank cuddled up with each other on the couch, watching some shit that was on the tv, Ray went off to find Mikey, James and Bob.
'Guys......' he panted, he had run all around the venue trying to find them, before making his way back to the bus and seeing them hiding under a tree.
'We heard. It's cool though, I overheard Frank and Gerard talking about doing the same thing' Mikey smiled up at Ray and patted the grass next to him.
'The panic in your voice when you realized you had said yes though was hilarious!' Bob slapped Ray's back. 'Like seriously, it was great!'
James offered Ray his coke can. 'It's ok. I'm sure they will be fine about it.'
Ray took the can and drank some before handing it back. 'Thank's you guys. I felt like such a idiot. How long have we got by the way?'
James looked at his watch 'Well... Two faced are due on in about 10 minutes. I think the singer needs a pep talk though, I saw her walking around pale as a sheet. This is the biggest show they have ever done/ I'm gonna go talk to them, try and calm their nerves.' James handed back the coke to Ray and got up to leave. 'Keep it.' he smiled as he left.

Finally it was time for the guys to go on. Gerard and Frank couldn't keep their hands, and mouths off of each other during the whole show, much to the crowds delight. Mikey kept making faces at the pair, causing Ray to laugh into his mic once in a while.
Halfway through the show someone threw a letter up onto the stage. 'What's this?' Gerard spoke into his mic as he picked the letter up and opened it. He scanned through it and smiled 'I'm gonna read this. Ok?' he looked at the rest of the band and they all nodded, grateful for the break.
'Ok so the letter says this:
Hi guys! I just wanted to thank you all for everything you have done for me in the past few years. Not only have you helped me cope with shit that's been going on in my life, but today you also did something else which already, in such a short space of time helped me. Gerard and Frank, you came out as a couple. Well Ray told us you were a couple. And I just wanted to thank you because I'm gay, and it was one of the reasons I got bullied, I didn't really have any openly gay or bisexual people that I looked up to, that gave me the strength to fully come out. But as soon as I heard what was said on the radio it helped me decide to come out. Which is what I'm going to do to my parent's tomorrow. Even if they hate me for it, I know I'll have you two as people I can continue to look up to. So Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Gerard could feel a lump in his throat, he had never expected, especially in such a short amount of time, that his and Frank's relationship would help people. He thanked David for the letter, he was just about to sing the opening to Thank you for the venom when a voice piped up from the crowd.
'Would you still find the pair of them a inspiration if you knew they had cheated on someone to be together?'
Gerard and Frank froze. It sounded like Bert, but it couldn't be, could it?
Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I've been super busy with work and then too tired out in the evening to write. But today's my day off, so I wrote this chunk in the morning (which was weird)
I hope you enjoy it, please do tell me what you think :) Thank's a lot. Also I realized I have accidentally been putting Violence as a warning when there isn't and I don;t know how to get rid of it. SORRY!
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