Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch. 5

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-04 - Updated: 2012-10-04 - 1042 words - Complete

Frank's P.O.V.
We walked into the kitchen to see Mrs. Way, Mrs. Toro, Mrs. Iero [my mommy!] ,a stranger lady, a random boy and Ray standing there looking like they were about to kill us all [at least Ray and that boy looked like they were about to die of laughter]. "What happened here?" Mrs. Way cried. Gerard and I pointed at Mikey and explained the toaster incident. "Mikey I told you not to stick forks into toasters. Last time you did it like a ritual." Mrs. Way said "No I didn't." Mikey replied stubbornly. "Dude you stabbed like 20 times." I cut in. "And what happened here?" Mrs. Toro asked seeing all of the pizza and sauce everywhere. I immediately bursted out laughing thinking of the pizza war. "The Great Pizza War. Don't worry Mrs. Toro, I won." I said Gerard looked at me strangely and started "Sorry Frank but I won." We started fighting until Mikey grabbed a piece and once again failed at aiming at his target. I laughed at it hitting the window while Gerard and I pinned Mikey down again and tried to force to eat another piece. "Boys. Boys BOYS!" my mom yelled. I laughed at how creepy that sounded but we ignored her. Eventually they got us to stop our rematch about an hour later. "I'm having a party later so I want you boys to have this place cleaned up by the time we get back." Mrs. Way said to us. As soon as they left Gerard started out saying the plan. "Okay Ray you watch Frank before he blows up the house. Mikey, you'll clean the pizza and sauce. Ray, you can help. I'll go clean the explosion we used to call our toaster." Without another word, we started cleaning up the place. We actually got the place cleaned in an hour. I then called everyone in [including Bob that came over] "Okay people. I have a plan to stop Aled and his crew of idiotic cows from bullying us. We'll challenge them and state what we want and we'll fight them. I made a list of who will use what." They read the list and Mikey shouted "NO WAY! I AM NOT USING A METAL BASEBALL BAT ON ALED!" I leaned over and whispered "If you don't I'll never let you borrow our My Little Pony DVD ever again." He looked at me and said "You wouldn't dare." I smirked and replied evilly "Oh yes I would." Mikey sighed heavily and said "Fine. I'm warning you, if anything happens I'm forcing you to eat pizza." "What are you going to do to Aled?" a kind of high voice asked. We all turned around to see the kid from earlier standing in the doorway. "Shit. They're not home, right? And you didn't hear his threat right?" Mikey asked ignoring the kid's question. "No. they left me behind and I was just really hanging out right here. I'm Pete by the way. Pete Wentz." "Well Pete Wentz if you go to the shit hole we do you probably know Aled." He nodded and said "For my birthday last year, he gave me 5 swirlies." We nodded and told him what we were planning on doing. "You guys are really brave. I wouldn't have been able to do that." "You like to join?" I asked Pete. "Really? I don't know… I mean I could try." He replied. "Alright. Then you could probably use a… another baseball bat?" I suggested. Everyone agreed and then we started to discuss if unicorns are real or not. "BITCH PLEASE, UNICORNS ARE SO REAL" Mikey yelled at Bob. So far, really only Mikey believes that unicorns are real. "Sorry bro, they're not." Bob stated so calmly that it's scary. "Then explain this." Mikey said, showing us a picture of a "real" unicorn. "Sorry bro, that's photo-shopped." Gerard replied. "You guys are just jealous that I know the truth." "I'M SO JELLY OF YOU, MIKES. I'M JELLY! JELLY! JJJJJEEEEEEELLLLLLLLY!" I screamed on the top of my lungs before falling down the stairs. "Here I come!" Gee shouted. "Fuck, Geetard don't do it!" I pleaded. "Too late." Ray said. And with a flying leap, Gerard basically flew down the steps using me as a landing area. "FUCKING GOD THAT HURTS!" I yowled. Gee landed on my family jewels which did NOT feel good at all. "surpise." He said to me. I groaned as he got off of me. "RAY COME HERE!" Gee shouted up the stairs. Ray fell down and also landed where Gerard did and walked over to him. Gerard whispered something into Ray's ear which made Ray laugh. He bolted up stairs when I, was lying on my back stretched out. Big mistake. I felt something ice-cold go down my pants. I yelped and darted into a standing position when I began sprinting the house. "What the hell did you put in my pants?" I screeched. Gerard and Ray were on the floor laughing while Mikey and Pete didn't know what to do. I reached down my pants to pull out a package of frozen vegetables. "What. The. Fuck." I said. "You said that my landing hurt so I thought that ice or in this case, frozen veggies would help." Gee replied to me. I grumbled and locked myself in the bathroom. "Frankie open up! I'm sorry!" he shouted outside the door. "Not opening this door. I can't trust anyone!" I backed away from the door. "Please Frank! I need to go to the bathroom." He whined. "You should've thought of that before putting frozen broccoli down my pants." I shot back. "Please? I'm about to piss myself." He whined. This was going to be fun.

Gerard's P.O.V.
I pounded on the door desperately trying to get in. "FRANKIE! PLEASE!" I said on last time. "Nope." Was my response. "Fuck this shit. I'm peeing in the yard." I grumbled walking out the door. I went into the backyard and started peeing in the bushes. When I was done I turned around to hear giggling. I just remembered. The bathroom window was in front of the bushes I just "watered". And Frank was sitting on the toilet, watching me.
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