Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch. 10

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-10-06 - 892 words - Complete

Frank's P.O.V.
"No! Please stop!" I yelped. I ran away from Mr. Hahn leaving him confused. I ran past the Way's with tears streaming down my face. "FRANKIE! COME BACK!" Everyone shouted. I ignored them. If they found out I was raped by a very special [sarcasm] person they would just make it worse. I stopped to breathe when I heard footsteps. I was about to start running like hell when I felt someone put their arms around me. "Sshh. It's okay. You're fine, we won't let Mr.Hahn get you." Mikey comforted me. It's really surprising when this kid has confidence. "Mikey, I was-" I broke off and started to cry. "You're fine. We won't let anything touch you." He hugged me tighter. "Mikey, I was raped." I managed out. "What? By who? Why didn't you tell us?" he started to question. "Because of who raped me. You try to hurt him or arrest him and I can't explain that." "Alright. One more question: who raped you?" he asked pulling me in tighter. "My dad and… Aled Backberd" I whispered. "That piece of shit. I'm going to fuckin destroy him." He growled. "No! we're confronting him tomorrow remember?" I screamed. Mikey jumped and got up. "Thanks, Mikes. Sorry for yelling that last part but it happened when I was walking home from school a while back…
I sighed. It's been about a month since I came out about being gay. "Will it ever get better?" I yelled. So far, I've been beaten up every day, called pansy, gay, homo, fag, fairy, a suicidal freak who should try again. "It will. I'll make your cock-loving mouth happy." Before I could even blink, I felt something hit my head and the world went black. I woke up to find myself hand-cuffed to a bed. "HELP! SOMEONE! HELP ME!" I shouted until I couldn't talk. Suddenly a door opened and quickly shut. I heard deep, slow footsteps coming closer to me. "Please, let me go." I whimpered in fear. "Oh, I'm never letting you go, baby." His alcohol reeking breathe spat on me. "No. Stop. Now." I said, stumbling over words. "No. I know yoush loveds thish." Aled moaned. He stripped me from my clothes and gave me the worst hand job ever. "Stop. Let me go." I spat all over his face. He responded to me by slapping me across the face. "SHUT UP! YOU WANT THIS YOU FAGGOT!" He shouted, slapping me again. I choked down a sob and waited for this to be over.
end of flash back

"That's why I panicked. I couldn't bring myself to tell you everyone. My father abuses me and tries to rape me every chance he gets. I can't tell my mom because she's so nice. She knows how to deal with me and my hyperness." I cried again. "It's fine. I'd do the same thing. And don't worry; we're going to get revenge on him." Mikey smirked. "Let's go back they probably are about to call the cops." And with that, Mikey and I [PROPER GRAMMAR!!!] got up and started walking back to their house.
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?!" Gerard screeched. "I went to rape your brother, my bitch." I said, rolling my eyes. "MIKEY?! WHERE DID HE TOUCH YOU?!" Gee yelled tearing upstairs. "MIKEY?! DID HE SREIOUSLY RAPE YOU?" I slowly followed up the stairs and almost fell down when I heard:
"Yeah. He did. And I liked it." Mikey replied to the Gerard, who possibly has rabies. "WHAT?! BUT HE'S MINE!! I'M HIS BITCH!" I crawled up the steps panting to again be trampled by a fuming Gerard. "WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?! I'M YOUR BITCH!" Gee cried. "Dude, you need to calm the hell down. I didn't rape Mikes, we were tired of running so we took a break." I said with my hands up. "Okay, okay. I was pretty mad, but I'll forgive this time." We started to make out, and I think we would have kept going except for two things: 1) We needed air like everyone else. And 2) Mikey and Catherine were watching us. "Gerard, Frank, please get a room. I don't think Catherine needs to see your sexual needs." He rolled his eyes and walked down stairs. "You two are… gay?" she managed to choke out. "Yep. Gotta problem?" I asked. "Nah, I actually always thought Gerard was gay from when we were little." And with that, she followed Mikey down the steps. "That was… Awkward." Gerard finally said. "Meh, I don't care. Really." I replied. We finally got up and walked down the steps. I wandered off to the kitchen to find Mikey once more, trying to stick a fork in the toaster. "MIKEY! UNPLUG THE TOASTER BEFORE JABBING IT WITH A FORK!" I scolded him. "I don't feel anything, I'm fine." He tried to assure me. "But the rest of us won't be." I screamed. I yanked the fork away and got the black toast out. "Next time, get Gee to get the toast out." I told him. I rounded the hallway to look for Gerard. "Gee? Where'd ya go?!" I called out. "Gee?" I asked when I swirled around. "GUESS WHO?" Gerard screamed and pounced towards me with something in his hands. Shit. I'm in deep, deep shit.
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