Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch. 12

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-10-06 - 643 words - Complete

Frank's P.O.V.
I woke up in the middle of my room. "Frankie, I called you out today. We're going to fix the problem with your dad." Mom told me. I moaned in response. Even though he's been doing this for years I'm still not used to the abuse. "Come on. If you want, you can bring Gerard or Mikey. Maybe both." I nodded. I picked myself off the floor and started to put clothes on. "I'll be back. I'm going to get Mikey." I called out. I walked out to find the Way brothers about to pull out with Ray, Pete, and Catherine. "Wait!"I demanded. Gerard immediately slammed on the brakes and yelled. "Frank! You forgot your backpack!" "I know! I'm not going. And neither is Mikey." I yanked Mikey out of the car and started explaining. "All right. I'm going to tell Gerard to go without me though. I'll meet you in your house." I walked back into my house and told my mom that Mikey was coming with us. "Okay. We'll leave in about 15 minutes." "Hold on, you know where he is?" "Yeah I sent him to your grandma's last night. We're going over today to try and "reason" with him to sign the divorce papers." I sat down in the kitchen and waited for Mikey to come. "Hey." Mikey panted heavily. "You okay? You're breathing pretty heavy." I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Pete and I just had our first kiss." "Wait, just now? Like right now right now?" I questioned, not trying to have a panic attack. "Yeah. Sorry I know that it wasn't the best time now but…" he trailed off. "MIKEY WAY, THE BABY WHO'S SOCIALLY AWKWARD KID HAD HIS FIRST KISS? DUDE, THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME!!! GREAT JOB!" I couldn't help but yell it. "Mikey… I'm so happy for you and Pete." I whispered in his ear while I hugged him tightly. "Can't breathe. Frank I can't breathe at all. Please Frank." He gasped. I let go and we had the worst heart attack when we heard my mom ask "Mikey had his first kiss? With who?" Mikey and I looked at each other then sighed. "Pete Wentz is my boyfriend." Mikes mumbled, finding the floor very fascinating. "Oh. And Frank?" she asked looking at me. "Gerard. He's my boyfriend." "Well, no son of mine is gay." Mom growled. "What? Mom you don't mean…" Tears began filling the rim of my eyes. "Ha! You fell for that? No offence but I think everyone saw that you guys were gay. I only thought that you and Mikey would end up going out with each other." I blushed surprised that my sexuality was that obvious. "Ok, are you guys ready to go?" we nodded and started to drive to grandma's.

Gerard's P.O.V.
The ride to school was quiet. "Gee? You okay?" Ray asked. "Yeah, just freaking out about this situation that only Mikes knows about." I seriously was having a freak attack. Why would Frank just skip school with Mikey? Everyone knows that Mikey, the nerd of the school would never skip school no matter how horrible it is. Maybe this has to do with what happened when Mikey ran after Frank when Mr. Hahn tried to molest Frankie. "Well, we're gonna have to wait tomorrow to challenge Aled." Pete announced, slicing through the dead silence. "Yup, but let's just hope that they're okay." I replied. I'm. Losing. My. Fucking. Mind. Do you think they're dating?, The mysterious voice in my voice. When did I have voices in my- DID IT JUST ASK IF THEY'RE FUCKIN DATING?! GET THAT THOUGHT OUT, NO NO, MY HEAD'S JUST IN THE CRAPPER. "We're here." I said, pulling into the student parking lot. "Ok, let's have a kick ass day." Pete shouted. Yeah, a kick ass day. Yippee.
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