Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Young and The Hopeless

Farewell Mikey

by FrankieDanger 0 reviews

uh...first appearance of Gerard and Mikey. Sorry Mikey, I do love you, I just needed some drama...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-10-06 - Updated: 2012-10-06 - 218 words

We turned the corner, only to reveal a couple of boys. One was on the ground, sobbing and clutching his crimson covered waist. The other was pacing up and down, kicking the debris that littered the streets, rifle in his tight fists.
In a few minutes it was over. I was still huddled into Billie’s ribs, shocked from the activity that just took place. However, the mysterious boy was now more relaxed. He turned around, splattered with blood, staring at the taller of us two.
“Gerard? Is that seriously you?” Billie asked the dark figure in the middle of the road. He then viewed in disgust at the ruby coloured face of the stone cold teenager sprawled helplessly on the paved land.
“What the hell, man?! You just shot your brother in the head!” I could feel Billie’s anger drain through his lungs. In the whole three years we had known each other, I had never seen him this furious. Did Gerard’s brother really mean that much to him? Or was he also just in shock from the recent goings on?
After countless tantrums and dramas, I had gathered up enough courage to join forces with Gerard. Anyway, Gerard had more weapons and some supplies that could protect us. Maybe we were going to survive.
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