Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X-2 > Paine's Story...

Paine's Story...

by Paine_Knightley

Paine tells her story, finds out the REAL story of her parents, and that true love really does exist...

Category: Final Fantasy X-2 - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Baralai, Brother, Buddy, Gippal, Lenne, Nooj, Paine, Rikku, Shinra, Shuyin, Tidus, Yuna - Warnings: [!!!] [X] - Published: 2006-07-16 - Updated: 2006-07-16 - 441 words


Note: This story is not yet completed, so don't be disappointed as you read it...this story is going take a LONG time to finish...

I was standing on the deck of the Celsius, pondering about where my life was going to take me, since we defeated Vegnagun and brought Shuyin and Lenne back together. Was I going to stay a Gullwing for eternity like Rikku, or find my true love like Yuna? I didn't know what to do. In the middle of my pondering, Rikku bounces up next to me and says, "Hiya Paine!" "Whatcha doin'?" I then replied, "Nothing, Rikku...just thinking about life." "Why is that?" She said. "Geez, you're always depressed or thinking about something." "There's never any happiness in your life it seems." "Rikku, how can I be happy when my past is haunting me?!" I then realized I just practically spilled my guts out to Rikku, who always seemed to try to pry into my personal life. "Oh...sorry..." She said. "Guys, what is all this yelling about?" Yuna yelled while coming onto the Celsius deck. "Nothing Yuna, just thinking about my past again, and what happened to my parents..." I sighed deeply. Rikku then asked innocently, "What happened to your parents P.K.?" (PK is my nickname, short for Paine Knightley) "I don't know...I was abandoned at an early age, and I never knew them." "I was raised in an orphanage in Bevelle." "At the age of fifteen, I went into a horrible case of depression, and changed." "I became Gothic, and I didn't give a fuck what anybody thought of me." "As for the gray hair, I guess I inherited it from my parents." After telling all of this to Rikku and Yuna, they started to bawl their eyes out. "Stop!" I cried. "I hate it when people feel pity on me." Yuna and Rikku both cried out in unison, "We want to help you find your parents!" "We want you to be happy, Paine, the Gullwings wouldn't be the same without you!" Rikku cried. "I don't know if I want to find them or not, they abandoned me, obviously they didn't love me if they didn't even tell me why..." Yuna then said, "But PK, we love you and need you as a wouldn't be YRP without the P, and your parents just probably wanted you to have a better life." "Then why didn't they tell me this, Yuna?" I said. "Because they probably didn't want you to be ashamed of them." Tidus then walked out onto the Celsius deck. "What's going on guys?" He said. "Nothing..." I sighed.
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