Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

[A/N] - I didn't have much time to update because I was tidying my room in hopes that Mom will give me money on Friday and I was meant to be in bed fifteen minutes ago (wow, I'm a rebel :L) and so yeah this chapter is gonna be SO short D:

"They were at your house? Are they still there?" I asked frantically.

"No, they ran off before I could give them a lift home." Shayla told me "I'm really sorry."

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault." I sighed.

"Actually, there is something I should apologise for." Shayla started telling me about how Miranda had apologised for making a phone call and pretending to be me "I'm really sorry for freaking out at you and making you feel guilty when all along you hadn't done anything wrong."

"Oh, well, that's okay. I'm okay now."

"I'm not. I have this boyfriend but I don't like him. Not the way I like you. Honestly Frank, I think I'm still in love with you."

I took a deep breath. And then I glanced at Penina who was phoning all of our friends to see if they'd seen Miranda or Sara. I smiled "I'm really sorry but there's someone else now. And I'm afraid that I love her. More than I did love you. That must hurt but it's true. I'm sorry."

There was a strange noise and then she hung up on me. I went over to Penina and hugged her "Hey, they went over to Shayla's house and now they've gone somewhere else. They're taking the train apparently." I shuddered "I bloody hate public transport."

"Well where's the nearest train station to Shayla's?" Penina cried in a panicked tone "We'll go there and ask people there if they've seen them and if they know where they're going."

"That's brilliant Penina." I replied, grabbed her hand and then we ran out to the car together.

[A/N] - Yeah, like I said, that chapter was tiny :( SORRY!
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