Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 18: Harry's sisters

by selenepotter

Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC What happened to May and Jane Potter.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Horror, Humor - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Luna, Neville - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [Y] - Published: 2006-07-16 - Updated: 2006-07-16 - 1156 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 18: Harry's sisters

As Rose and Neville walked through the greenhouses of Longbottom Manor, Neville took Rose by the hand. When they came to a rose bush, Neville cast a quick severing charm to pick on of the blooms and handed it to Rose.

"A rose for my Rose," said Neville as he pulled her into a kiss.

Rose pushed him away and said:

"Neville, we need to talk!"

"We don't need words to express our hearts," replied Neville as he tried to kiss her again.

"No!" said Rose. "Neville, let's just be friends."

"You're breaking up with me?" asked Neville fearfully.

"I'm afraid so," replied Rose.

"Is it something I said?" asked Neville.

"No, it's not about you, it's about me," said Rose.

"Did Parvati say something to you about me?" asked Neville. "She's been acting strange ever since she kissed me last winter."

"Well, Parvati did say something, but not about you," explained Rose. "She asked me to marry her."

Seeing the shocked look on Neville's face, Rose went on the say:

"I wish I could tell you what's really going on but Harry won't let me."

"Why do you let him control you?" asked Neville.

"It's not control," said Rose. "It's intimacy. Twins share a bond that makes us very close. We can even hear each other's thoughts. I would really like to tell you. You're my best friend! But Harry doesn't want anyone to know."

"Well if you want me to continue being your friend, I deserve an explanation," said Neville.

"Hang on, I'll ask him," said Rose.

(Harry, I think we should bring Neville in on our secret) thought Rose.

(Okay, meet me back at the house. Ginny and I need to talk to Luna about something as perhaps we should have a little family conference,) thought Harry.


"Occulo Conscientia!" shouted Harry as he waved his wand. "Now that I've assured my self that the secret will be kept, I need to tell you my tale. I'm from another dimension. In my world, Harry Potter was the boy-who-lived and Ron was my best mate. During our war against the Dark Lord, I discovered Soul Bonding. It is a highly unusual phenomena in which a couple's souls become bound together for all eternity. It's very rare. The last time it happen was nearly 400 years ago. But I discovered a way to create this bond at will. It was a stupid thing to do, but I was young and in love, so I created a Soul Bond between me and my wife, Ginny. We had les than a week before she died. I went on with my life and got married several times. Each time, I got Soul Bonded and each time, my wife was killed by a Dark Lord. The last Dark Lord I faced was Ron. That's why he can never know any of this. When my soul traveled to this world, I brought with me the souls of everyone I had ever soul bonded with. As a consequence, I am married to:Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Padma, and Tonks. However, our twin bonds have brought two others into our soul bonds. Parvati is bound to me because she is Padma's twin and Rose is bound to all of my wives because, she is my twin. Last year, while Padma and I were petrified, the soul bonds and twin bonds were temporarily severed. Now that they are restored, Parvati wants to be a wife without being dependant on her sister. So I have asked her to marry me.
One unanticipated aspect of all this has been that the women in our harem have paired up in friendships that have various degrees of closeness. Hermione and Padma have become friends. Ginny and Luna have become close friend with benefits. Rose and Parvati have become the closest pair and, in fact, Parvati has asked Rose to marry her."

"How do you have time for all those girls?" asked Neville.

"It's not easy," confessed Harry. "I never liked the fame that came with being the boy-who-lived. So I've been trying to keep a low profile. This means that although I'm continuing to see all of my wives secretly, each year I have a designated girlfriend who is the one that I let other people think is my only girlfriend. In our first year, it was Parvati. Last year, it was Ginny, but she didn't get much time before I was petrified. So we were going to ask Luna is she would mind sharing the spotlight with Ginny this year?"

"If wouldn't mind," said Luna. "It's just that- -Hold on. Harry! I just got a psychic flash! I know where your sister, May is!"

"Where?!" demanded Harry.

"Pnom Penn, Cambodia," said Luna. Here, let me make a portkey to take us there. Portus!.

"Let's go!" said Rose.

"You shouldn't go," said Luna

"What! Why not?" yelled Rose.

"We're going to see things that are not age-appropriate for you," said Luna.

"Harry?" pleaded Rose.

"Over the years I've learned to trust Luna's judgment about her insights," said Harry. "If she says you're to young for this, then you're not going! Stay here with Neville and send owls to Hermione, Padma and Tonks and tell them what we're doing so that they can be our back up."

Harry, Ginny and Luna all grabbed onto the chocolate frog card that Luna had turned into a port key and vanished.


When the triad re-appeared, they were in a dingy basement. There were a couple of men in the room. They appeared to be westerners from Europe or North America. Also in the room were a dozen girls who were around 10 years old. All of them were dressed as prostitutes. They were currently trying to flirt with the men, terrified that they would not be picked, but also terrified that they would be picked. One of them was straddling the leg of a man and batting her eyelashes at him. She looked familiar to Harry.

"May?" asked Harry.

"Harry!" squealed May and Jane as they bounded forward and hugged their brother.

"We've come to rescue you!" said Harry. "Any of your friends who want to come with us are welcome to."

"Now just a minute!" said one of the men. "I paid for these girls and-"

"Crucio!" shouted Ginny and Luna as they began torturing the two men.

"Let's go!" said Harry. "Everyone who wants to escape, grab this card." All of the girls did so and as Luna and Ginny joined them, Harry activated the Portkey.


After they re-appeared, Harry used his Hufflepuff ring to transport all of them, plus Rose to Hufflepuff Manor. Harry arranged for all off the girls except May, to be adopted by the Mennonite Witches and Wizards that lived on the estate. The next Day, May got her Hogwarts Letter. She was going to Hogwarts!
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