Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 19: When strike, the Sons of the Serpent

by selenepotter

Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Padma, Parvati - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-07-18 - Updated: 2006-07-18 - 1698 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 19: When strike, the Sons of the Serpent

On September 1st, they showed up as usual at King's Cross station. This time, Harry and Rose were bringing with them their young sister, May. Jane had been left at Hufflepuff Manor in the care of a Mennonite couple, Edgar and Colleen. Harry hoped that a year in their care would help her to overcome the damage wrought by more than a year of sexual abuse. As they boarded the Hogwarts Express, they searched for an empty compartment. May was delighted when she saw Yukio and Roma Black alone in a compartment.

"Roma! You're okay!" exclaimed May.

"May! I thought uncle Regulus had sold you!" gasped Roma.

"He did, but Harry rescued me and now I'm starting Hogwarts just like you!" gushed May. "Harry, is it okay if I ride in their compartment?"

"Sure," said Harry. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to rescue you from having to go back there at the end of last year."

"It's okay," said Yukio. "I didn't really want to be rescued until Jamie starts school, anyway. By the way, during the summer Uncle Regulus brought home a new wife. Actually, she prefers the term, concubine. She's really young. Her Name is Virginia Nott and she says that Uncle Regulus killed her husband and stepson."

Rose found a compartment with Neville, Hermione and the Patils. Harry found one with Ginny, Luna, Susan and Ernie. Harry had decided to let his best friends all the way in on his secret, so on the train ride to school, he shared his tale with them.


When it was time for sorting, Roma Black was sorted into:"SLYTHERIN!" much to Yukio's delight.
Later came May Potter's turn as she was sorted into: "SLYTHERIN!" Roma squealed with delight as her friend joined her at the Slytherin table.

Harry was relieved to see Dumbledore sitting at the teachers table. Now that Slughorn was Headmaster, Dumbledore had taken over the teaching of Potions class.

After the opening feast, Harry, Ginny and Luna went with the other members of their house to the Hufflepuff wing of the castle. Once they'd gotten to their room, Luna started pestering Harry about his O.W.L. options.

"You need to have decided what classes you're going to take by the morning, you know," said Luna in her dreamy voice.

"She's right, you should have discussed this with the other 3rd years so you could be in the same classes as them," said Ginny. "What classes are you taking?"

"I thought I would take Ancient Runes and Arithmancy," said Susan.

"Well, if I guess I should take those too, so we can study together," replied Harry.

"Blimey! Why do you two have to take the hard classes?" said Ernie. I was going to take Divination and Care of Magical Creatures!"

"You could still do that," said Harry. "I took those last time. Divination turned out to be a crock. Trelany is a complete fraud who occasionally give real prophesies that she doesn't even remember. And Care wasn't much better. Hagrid has a real liking for dangerous creatures. I only took it last time because I was friends with Hagrid. I haven't really had time to get close to him in this life."

"No, I'd rather study with you," said Ernie.


After a night of socializing, they turned in for the night. Ginny and Susan went to change into their nightgowns behind the screen while Luna simply stripped and crawled into bed, much to the delight of the boys. Harry and Ernie changed into their pajamas and crawled into their beds. Soon the girls had finished changing. Susan cuddled up to Ernie in their bed, while Ginny got into bed with Luna and Harry. Harry slept in the middle and spooned Ginny, while Luna spooned behind Harry.

In the middle of the night, Harry had another of his nightmares about his family. Luna entered his mind and calmed him while Ginny shook him awake.

"Hush, hush, May and Jane are safe," assured Ginny.

"But what about my mom!" sobbed Harry.

Luna and Ginny wrapped them selves around him as he cried himself back to sleep.


The next morning, there was quite a stir when Harry walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, arm in arm with both Ginny and Luna.

As they sat down together at the Hufflepuff table, Ron stomped over.

"Just what do you think you're doing, Potter?" demanded Ron.

"I was about to have breakfast," replied Harry.

"I mean with my sister," growled Ron. "It bad enough that you keep snogging my sister, she's not going to be part of some harem. Pick one. You can't have both."

"But out, Ron!" said Ginny. "Luna's my best friend. I don't mind sharing her with Harry."

"All right! But if I find out you're hurt my sister-" growled Ron as he stomped off.


Harry's first class of the morning was double potions with the Ravenclaws. As Usual, Harry sat with Susan.

Good morning class," said Professor Dumbledore. "Today we will be making a potion of heroism. Instructions are on the board. Please begin."

Immediately, Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms Granger?" said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling.

"Sir do you really want us to add the acorn extract at that point?" asked Hermione with fear in her voice.

Dumbledore glanced back at the board in puzzlement.

"Oh! Of course!" said Dumbledore as he hastily added another step to the formation.

As Harry gazed a the board, he realized that without that extra step the would have been an explosion! His ability to teach potions reminded Harry of Quirrel's ability to teach Defense. Potions were definitely not Dumbledore's area of expertise. When Harry went to turn in his potion, he asked to speak with Dumbledore after class.

"Am I to assume that you called for this meeting because you've decided to take me up on my offer?" asked Dumbledore.

"Yes, anything you can tell us about breaking fidelius charms or removing wrackspurts would be of great benefit," said Harry.

"Wrackspurt! Now that's a word I haven't heard in a long time," said Dumbledore. "Why do you need to know?"

"Ron Weasley has one attached to his magical core!" said Harry.

"Harry it's got to be removed or it will drive him insane!" exclaimed Dumbledore.

"Do you know how we can do that without turning him it a squib?" asked Harry.

"Ah, no," confessed Dumbledore. "But I'll help you research it."

"Well, until he starts killing people, rescuing my mum is a higher priority," said Harry.


Over the next year, they continued, with Dumbledore's help, to research fidelius charms in the hopes of finding a way to rescue the mothers of the Black and Potter children. They also continued to research wrackspurts in the hopes of saving Ron. They kept up their Occulemancy practice and some of the girls began studying Legimancy. They also studied Animagery. Harry had already discovered his animagus form and was working on partially changing parts of himself.


One morning Harry a noticed a posting on the bulletin board in the common room. The Hufflepuff team needed a new seeker, and were holding tryouts. Harry had bought the firebolt in Diagon Alley over the summer. The one that Sirius would have bought him if he'd lived. It made him sad to think about it. Still, he'd always found quiddich relaxing. It helped him unwind.

When he showed up at the pitch, a golden snitch was released and all the hopefuls were told to catch it. Many of them crashed their brooms after a short time. But Harry managed to catch the snitch just milliseconds before a 6th year student, Cedric Diggery. Harry was the new Hufflepuff seeker!

His first match was against Slytherin. Harry easily beat Malfoy to the snitch.


After they had gotten a week into the term, Harry decided that it might be safe to enter the Chamber of Secrets without arousing suspicion. When he went into the girl's bathroom he was surprised to see that the entrance to the Chamber was already open. Harry walked over the gaping hole and hissed:


A winding staircase appeared. Once Harry was down it far enough, Harry hissed:


When he got to the bottom, Harry opened the inner door to the Chamber of Secrets. As soon as he did so, Harry heard the hissing voices of Ron Weasley talking to his snake in parselspeech.

"~No one can find us here, my pet!~" hissed Ron. "~It's our own Secret Chamber to use as our headquarters!~"

"~All for us.~" hissed the snake.

"Hem-hem," Harry cleared his throat.

'You!" exclaimed Ron. "How did you get down here, Potter?"

"You left the entrance open, you dope," replied Harry.

"This is my domain! You'd better not come here again!" yelled Ron as he stomped off.

Harry waited for Ron to leave, then, resumed his real purpose. Behind the statue of Salazar Slytherin was a hidden room. Harry knew of it from his previous life. Within lies the library of Slytherin, a repository of parselscript books. Harry open the secret door and went into the room. Within were dozens of empty shelves. Someone had beaten him to the library!

When he went to leave the Chamber, Harry found that Ron had locked him in. But, being a parseltongue, he was easily able to let himself out.


On the morning after Halloween, Harry was eating breakfast with his Hufflepuff wives and friends when Hermione suddenly jumped up from the Ravenclaw table and rushed over to him.

"Harry, have you seen this morning's Prophet?" asked Hermione.

"No, what's happened?" replied Harry.

"A police station, in Birmingham, was attacked by a group of wizards dressed as snakes!" said Hermione. "They used the Cruciatus Curse and Killing Curse on all of the police and released the prisoners. They told the prisoners that they were the Sons of the Serpent! Do you think this means that a new Dark Lord is on the move?"

"Sounds like it," said Harry. The question is, is this Regulus Black, Voldemort or someone else?
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