Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 20: Public Exposure
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 20: Public Exposure
"I think there is an excellent chance that Ron is behind these Sons of the Serpent," said Ginny. "Especially after what you overheard in the Chamber."
"I don't think so," said Luna, dreamily.
"Luna's right," said Hermione. "Look at it logically. He hasn't had the opportunity leave Hogwarts."
"Also, we were with him in the Great Hall having dinner at the time that the attack occurred," added Padma.
"I still think we should keep an eye on him and see what he's up to," said Harry.
"Why don't we use the Marauder's Maps?" asked Rose. "With two maps, if we took it in shifts, we could watch where he goes and who he's with at all times."
"That's a great idea, Rose," said Parvati. "Where is he now?"
"I solemnly swear that I up to no good!" said Rose after she'd pulled her Marauder's Map out of her pocket. She tapped the map a few times to extend the range. "He's in the Slytherin dungeons with a bunch of other people. The closest ones are Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson."
"Then, I take it you're willing to take the first shift?" observed Harry.
"I'll draw up a schedule so we can maximize our coverage," said Hermione.
"In the upcoming interval, I suggest we return to our houses so we can get some studying done before curfew," said Padma.
A few days later, there was a story in the Prophet about the disappearance of Lord Goyle.
As it turned out, Harry had made the same choices for O.W.L. options as Padma, Hermione, Susan, and Ernie. They all took Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. Rose and Parvati had taken the same classes that Harry had in his previous life, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures. Harry had forewarned Rose about Malfoy and the Hippogriffs, but as it turned out, Ron was the one who had to be rescued from Buckbeak before he got injured.
Over the next few weeks, several more, prominent Lords of the Wizengamont disappeared.
As they kept Ron under surveillance, they didn't see him do anything suspicious except enter the Chamber of Secrets on many occasions. When he did so, it was always in the company of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. Many times, Harry wished that he had his father's invisibility cloak.
When the Winter Hollidays arrived, Harry decided to take his family to Hufflepuff Manor so that they could all be together. While Harry's wives all went to spend time with their families, Harry and Rose brought Yukio Black, Rosa Black and May Potter to Hufflepuff Manor and invited Jane's guardians and their daughter, Gwendolyn, to celebrate with them in the Manor house.
"Wow! What is this place?" asked Yukio.
"Hufflepuff Manor," replied Rose.
"How did you find it?" asked Yukio. "According to Professor Binns, Hufflepuff Manor has been lost since the 14th century."
"My brother found it," replied Rose. "Harry is Lord Hufflepuff."
"Wow! No wonder you got put in Hufflepuff House," said May. "You're their Lord! I'll bet they blindly do anything you demand of them!"
"Actually, I was hoping we could keep this as our secret," said Harry. "I got enough hero worship in my past life. Now, I'm trying to keep a low profile."
"That's why you go prancing around school with two girlfriends," said Roma.
"That's not my fault," pleaded Harry. "They insisted on it."
"How did you manage that?" asked Yukio.
"Their not his girlfriends," said May. "Harry's-"
There was a long pause, as May discovered that she was unable to reveal Harry's secrets.
"Harry's what?" asked Roma.
"Occulo Conscientia!" said Harry as he waved his wand. He then proceeded to fill the black sisters in on his story. By the time he had finished, Edgar and Colleen had arrived with their daughter, Gwendolyn, and the youngest Potter sister, Jane. They were a family Mennonite Witches and Wizards who had taken in Jane for the remaining year before she could attend Hogwarts. Gwendolyn was thirteen like Harry and Rose.
"Harry!" Squealed Jane as she leapt into in to his arms.
"Hey! little sister! How are they treating you?" asked Harry.
"Just great!" said Jane as she hugged her other two sisters. "Aunt Colleen made me a wand and has been teaching me all kinds of household charms!"
On Boxing Day, Tonks came over with a pensive.
"You're not going to believe what I saw on the telly!" said Tonks. "I brought a pensive show I could show you."
After she had put her wand to her head, drawn out the memory, and deposited in the pensive, Harry and Rose leaned over the pensive until they were drawn in.
Tonks had just apparated to her parent's foyer.
"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" called out Tonks.
"In here, 'Dora," called out Andromeda Tonks.
Tonks walked in to the living room where her parents were watching the telly.
"What's going on?" asked Tonks.
"Some bank robbers are holding a bunch of people hostage," replied Ted Tonks. "Oh! Wait! They're coming out!"
There were three of them. They were dressed in black bodysuits over which they wore green jackets that came down to their thighs. The jackets were open in front, revealing a skull-like snake head on the front of their bodysuits. A belt cinched the jacket at the waist. They also wore green boots. On their heads, they wore green helmets with a snake-like crest on top that made in look like there was a snake resting on each of their heads. One of the them was a woman, the other two were male. They each held a wand in one hand and a broom in the other.
"Avada Kedavra!" shouted one of the robbers as he cast a killing curse at the police. The other two joined in as they mecillessly slaughtered the police who were on the scene. When all of the police were dead, one of the robbers turned towards the camera and said:
"Thus fall, all who oppose the Sons of the Serpent!"
They then, mounted their brooms and flew away.
Once the memory had ended and Harry and Rose had left the pensive, Harry turned to Tonks and said:
"So now, the whole word knows about magic?"
"Not really," said Tonks. "The muggle news people think it must be a trick of some kind. But obviously, it these Sons of the Serpent keep attacking the muggles in public, sooner or later the muggles will start believing their eyes."
"I wanna see!" demanded May.
Tonks gave Harry a questioning look as if she was seeking permission to share what they had learned.
"I think it would be a good idea is everyone saw this," said Harry.
"I'll go get Yukio and Roma," said Rose. "They should see this too."
Chapter 20: Public Exposure
"I think there is an excellent chance that Ron is behind these Sons of the Serpent," said Ginny. "Especially after what you overheard in the Chamber."
"I don't think so," said Luna, dreamily.
"Luna's right," said Hermione. "Look at it logically. He hasn't had the opportunity leave Hogwarts."
"Also, we were with him in the Great Hall having dinner at the time that the attack occurred," added Padma.
"I still think we should keep an eye on him and see what he's up to," said Harry.
"Why don't we use the Marauder's Maps?" asked Rose. "With two maps, if we took it in shifts, we could watch where he goes and who he's with at all times."
"That's a great idea, Rose," said Parvati. "Where is he now?"
"I solemnly swear that I up to no good!" said Rose after she'd pulled her Marauder's Map out of her pocket. She tapped the map a few times to extend the range. "He's in the Slytherin dungeons with a bunch of other people. The closest ones are Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson."
"Then, I take it you're willing to take the first shift?" observed Harry.
"I'll draw up a schedule so we can maximize our coverage," said Hermione.
"In the upcoming interval, I suggest we return to our houses so we can get some studying done before curfew," said Padma.
A few days later, there was a story in the Prophet about the disappearance of Lord Goyle.
As it turned out, Harry had made the same choices for O.W.L. options as Padma, Hermione, Susan, and Ernie. They all took Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. Rose and Parvati had taken the same classes that Harry had in his previous life, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures. Harry had forewarned Rose about Malfoy and the Hippogriffs, but as it turned out, Ron was the one who had to be rescued from Buckbeak before he got injured.
Over the next few weeks, several more, prominent Lords of the Wizengamont disappeared.
As they kept Ron under surveillance, they didn't see him do anything suspicious except enter the Chamber of Secrets on many occasions. When he did so, it was always in the company of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. Many times, Harry wished that he had his father's invisibility cloak.
When the Winter Hollidays arrived, Harry decided to take his family to Hufflepuff Manor so that they could all be together. While Harry's wives all went to spend time with their families, Harry and Rose brought Yukio Black, Rosa Black and May Potter to Hufflepuff Manor and invited Jane's guardians and their daughter, Gwendolyn, to celebrate with them in the Manor house.
"Wow! What is this place?" asked Yukio.
"Hufflepuff Manor," replied Rose.
"How did you find it?" asked Yukio. "According to Professor Binns, Hufflepuff Manor has been lost since the 14th century."
"My brother found it," replied Rose. "Harry is Lord Hufflepuff."
"Wow! No wonder you got put in Hufflepuff House," said May. "You're their Lord! I'll bet they blindly do anything you demand of them!"
"Actually, I was hoping we could keep this as our secret," said Harry. "I got enough hero worship in my past life. Now, I'm trying to keep a low profile."
"That's why you go prancing around school with two girlfriends," said Roma.
"That's not my fault," pleaded Harry. "They insisted on it."
"How did you manage that?" asked Yukio.
"Their not his girlfriends," said May. "Harry's-"
There was a long pause, as May discovered that she was unable to reveal Harry's secrets.
"Harry's what?" asked Roma.
"Occulo Conscientia!" said Harry as he waved his wand. He then proceeded to fill the black sisters in on his story. By the time he had finished, Edgar and Colleen had arrived with their daughter, Gwendolyn, and the youngest Potter sister, Jane. They were a family Mennonite Witches and Wizards who had taken in Jane for the remaining year before she could attend Hogwarts. Gwendolyn was thirteen like Harry and Rose.
"Harry!" Squealed Jane as she leapt into in to his arms.
"Hey! little sister! How are they treating you?" asked Harry.
"Just great!" said Jane as she hugged her other two sisters. "Aunt Colleen made me a wand and has been teaching me all kinds of household charms!"
On Boxing Day, Tonks came over with a pensive.
"You're not going to believe what I saw on the telly!" said Tonks. "I brought a pensive show I could show you."
After she had put her wand to her head, drawn out the memory, and deposited in the pensive, Harry and Rose leaned over the pensive until they were drawn in.
Tonks had just apparated to her parent's foyer.
"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" called out Tonks.
"In here, 'Dora," called out Andromeda Tonks.
Tonks walked in to the living room where her parents were watching the telly.
"What's going on?" asked Tonks.
"Some bank robbers are holding a bunch of people hostage," replied Ted Tonks. "Oh! Wait! They're coming out!"
There were three of them. They were dressed in black bodysuits over which they wore green jackets that came down to their thighs. The jackets were open in front, revealing a skull-like snake head on the front of their bodysuits. A belt cinched the jacket at the waist. They also wore green boots. On their heads, they wore green helmets with a snake-like crest on top that made in look like there was a snake resting on each of their heads. One of the them was a woman, the other two were male. They each held a wand in one hand and a broom in the other.
"Avada Kedavra!" shouted one of the robbers as he cast a killing curse at the police. The other two joined in as they mecillessly slaughtered the police who were on the scene. When all of the police were dead, one of the robbers turned towards the camera and said:
"Thus fall, all who oppose the Sons of the Serpent!"
They then, mounted their brooms and flew away.
Once the memory had ended and Harry and Rose had left the pensive, Harry turned to Tonks and said:
"So now, the whole word knows about magic?"
"Not really," said Tonks. "The muggle news people think it must be a trick of some kind. But obviously, it these Sons of the Serpent keep attacking the muggles in public, sooner or later the muggles will start believing their eyes."
"I wanna see!" demanded May.
Tonks gave Harry a questioning look as if she was seeking permission to share what they had learned.
"I think it would be a good idea is everyone saw this," said Harry.
"I'll go get Yukio and Roma," said Rose. "They should see this too."
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